Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A propaganda war and not a real war.

I am copying a very interesting comment by my reader James, which I agree with because the Spirit of Truth shows God's children the truth. The comment is about the cameras in Kiev and the war in Ukraine:




When mainstream media wrote about heavy fighting, bombing, etc. I followed about 11 independent cameras from different parts of Kiev and side areas.
I spent almost 2 hours on it, simultaneously following several news portals, both Polish and foreign including discord and various chat rooms.

Some of these cameras were placed on fairly tall buildings, so you could see the horizon.

On none, literally none, did I see a flash or an explosion. People in chat rooms were writing: "where are the explosions?", "the war is over?", "it's fake", etc.
On one of the cameras, you could hear quite a strong wind, falling rain. At some point, you could hear (I think) explosions and gunfire, but visually there was nothing.

Some people claimed that the sound was substituted, others that these cameras were fake and broadcast in a loop - the "loop" thesis, rather didn't seem real to me, as I have a pretty good photographic memory and didn't observe repetitions, but that doesn't rule it out either, because what's the problem with making a 24-hour loop.

As usual, the innocent suffer on both sides, or more, everywhere. In my opinion, this is more of a media and propaganda war than a real physical one, set up to dismantle world economic order and remove cash. All their actions boil down to this: economic and monetary sanctions, in virtually every branch of the economy. Implementation of the SWIFT blockade, faster admission of Ukraine to the European Union (unification of the economy of the economic area).

Ordinary people will suffer, losing their last assets, businesses, jobs - these are not sanctions on those blamed - they are having fun behind the scenes, but some imaginary scapegoat has to be - they created a common enemy, now the "savior" will come.

Let's be honest, if they really cared about taking over Ukraine, they would have done it long ago. It's laughable to compare Russia's military resources to Ukraine... Let's look at the footage (assuming it's real) - most of the Russian soldiers, are 18 to 20-something boys.

This is not only their blood sacrifice to the devil, but the destruction of the economy. See how perfidiously they play on people's feelings in the media: children telling stories of how their fathers stayed to defend, saying goodbye to their families (you can see who the father "loved" more...), stories of teenagers) deprived of schools and willing to fight, etc.
Suddenly polin has plenty of money for free medicine, public transportation, trains etc. Soon there will be subsidies for employers who hire refugees, you know what that entails.

People are so stupid and blind that they don't realize that this economy was set up this way, like a set of interconnected vessels - you turn on the main tap and it's over, these are dependencies on dependencies.

Many say "good for them," not realizing that this is actually their own end, and those who are guilty of it will, as always, never be held accountable in this life.

Polin non-government, doesn't think about the Poles at all - A good host, first takes care of his household and makes sure they don't lack anything or need help, and only then welcomes guests. If homemakers are in need, they come first.

A householder, is one when he takes care of the household members first and then the guests.

Even God has unambiguously established the order of things:
"The land shall not be sold forever, for the land belongs to me, and you are guests and strangers with me."

So too, a true host, will never allow his householders to be treated inferior or in decline. He will take care of them first, and then he will let the guests come, and he will never treat them above the householder and give them greater rights, for the house is not the property of the guests, but of him and the householder.

I am not saying not to help, but let the help be equal because here in Poland tragedies happen every day to families, children, individuals or groups.

This is the nail in the coffin - plus, they will have an excuse to continue to enforce certain restrictive behaviors because of p<a*nd.

They have created a common enemy, and the people like puppets, they do what they are told, direct and not direct, they control them as they thought and reflection, but that is what happens when people are godless

Most are so blind that they won't notice another important thing - it doesn't take an armed conflict to destroy the economies and people of an entire country, even one as large as Russia. All they need is to find any pretext and impose sanctions, embargoes. Within a few weeks, the state economically does not exist, and behind it not at all.

Now you don't need rifles to kill, and information and a blockade...the victims are only there to justify what they are doing at this stage, and most of all they need the bloody sacrifice of the innocent, because their god is coming soon

Some argued that in order to create economic unity for the new world order, Russia would have to expand its "power"; they did not foresee that the opposite might be true.

Now expect the next steps to collapse and liquidate cash and the antichrist.




Pastors who undermined the plandemic are now found to have revealed their true face. Then they gained trust to now deceive because c19 is no longer needed.



Now they are perpetuating the lie of bad Russia and good Ukraine when there is no good here at all and sacrifices are being made on both sides.

Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them."

Not by a nice shirt and an intellectual Christian speech, but by a stand against evil and facts.



Show Must Go On




Updated: 1 March 2022 — 07:53

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