Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Who does the pro-American PIS government along with Biden want to install for us?

Maciej Maciak of CW24 was a Cowidian at first, but after some time I think he got over it.

He is not a Christian and so you need to be able to choose from that channel.



However, he is a good journalist who often shows the reality that is not shown on TV.

In 2017 he recorded a bdb episode about Banderovtsy in Ukraine.

The video has half a million views. Every Pole should watch it:


There is a very large Banderist movement in Ukraine and even those already living in Poland support the ideology of Banderaism, and the Polish reader must know that Bandera was a total enemy of Poland:



The OUN-B faction, co-founded by Bandera, bears responsibility for the organized genocide of Polish civilians in Volhynia and Eastern Lesser Poland in 1943-1944, of which some 100,000 people were victims.



There are certainly many politically indifferent people among the refugees, but we don't know how many of them are Banderovci, but we do know that they are continued by the Kyiv City Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, whose leadership has been consistently opposing the construction and commemoration of Polish victims of the Volhynian Massacre for several years


What a hypocrisy of the Polish-speaking Sejm. When Poles celebrated their independence every year on November 11, which, by the way, is not a regaining of freedom (we are under Khazar occupation), the anti-Polish MEDIA considered this march to be fascist, nationalistic.

Unfortunately, there are still media in Poland that are against Poles.


What they want to serve us is the implementation of the Plan of Three World Wars:


"The Third World War must begin with the preponderance of the differences caused by the Illuminati agents between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. This war must be waged in such a way that Islam (the Islamic Arab World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) destroy each other.

At the same time other countries, again divided on this issue will be held back to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

We will unleash Nihilists and atheists and provoke an extraordinary social cataclysm that will demonstrate clearly and emphatically to the nations the effects of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and the most bloody orgies in all this horror.

Then in every place, everywhere, citizens, forced to defend themselves against ethnic minoritiesand revolutionaries, they will exterminate these destroyers of civilization and the masses will be deprived of the illusion of Christianity, whose divine spirits, forming Christianity without compass and direction, desiring ideals but without knowing where to place their devotion and adoration, will receive real light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, finally exposed to public view."



One of the goals of this war is precisely to carry out this plan, that of fighting ethnic minorities.

However, the supreme purpose and overarching goal of the war in Ukraine is probably a smokescreen for an Iran-Israel war followed by the antichrist.


We Bible believers respect Ukrainians as well as Russians or Turks, but mixing cultures that are or may be opposed to Poles should be discussed.



Updated: 28 February 2022 — 22:52


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