Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Angelica's prayer request.



I have delayed writing for a long time, I didn't have the courage to ask for something like this, I didn't know if it was appropriate. But today the weight of the problem has crushed me so much that I want to ask for prayer.
Please pray for me and my husband. I would like God to do a miracle for us.
We have been trying unsuccessfully for 6 years to have a baby. When my husband was a baby (he was about 5 years old) he had cancer, malignant granulomatosis. They barely saved him, he had chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Because of that treatment, he has very few sperm, most of them are weak or have bad structure. Before the newborn we put our hope in doctors, there were many. Some people treated us badly, lied to get as much money as possible, made me sick and put me on strong drugs, others gave chances only to in vitro, but we will never agree to that. In vitro is a human factory. Using it would feel like spitting on God, his grace and goodness. When we were born again, we stopped going to doctors, we decided to trust in God alone.
I know that times are hard, that oppression is getting worse and will only get worse, but I am not afraid, I believe that Jesus Christ will protect us and get us through this time.
I don't know if I should even ask for something like this. Maybe God has another plan for us, maybe he doesn't want us to have offspring, maybe he wants to protect us from something this way. I try to accept it, but it's so hard. It hurts so much when I see how the next people around me who aren't in a relationship, who cohabitate with each other "for fun," without commitment, will have a child they don't want. My heart breaks for them. I live only to endure to the end, to have Jesus Christ come back as soon as possible to end it all, He is the only one keeping me alive.
People, neighbors, family, gossip about us, ask why we don't have children, when will we finally have them, etc., they ask many unpleasant and uncomfortable questions, some because of this, they feel more important, better than us, it shows so much on their faces and conversation style.
Sometimes I am afraid that it will break me, that it will get harder to bear over time, that I will fall down and never get up again. I cry more and more often, I would like to be a support to my husband, but I can't pretend in front of him. 
My husband is my first partner, my first love. We both never cohabited with anyone else, we were only with each other. I knew we would have problems having children practically from the beginning when we became a couple, but at the time it didn't matter to me, I didn't think it would be so hard.
We applied to an adoption center in 2020, but to be qualified at all you have to go through a lot of procedures including training, meetings with a psychologist, psychological tests. Unfortunately neither my husband's employer nor mine will give us every Friday off, for about 14 weeks, to go to these meetings, so we left it in limbo.
Children for adoption are scarce. The woman we spoke with at the center said that even if we can qualify, we may have to wait 5 years or more for a child. Most children do not qualify for adoption. Abandoned children whose parents are unknown can never be adopted. Only those children whose parents have formally relinquished parental rights can be adopted, and there are really very few of those. People from the so-called "pathology" who give up their children, or to whom they are taken away, do not want to give up their rights to them, because they usually count on some "profits" in the future.
As of 2019, we are born again, having left the NCC. We believe in Jesus Christ, keep the biblical commandments, rest on the Sabbath, follow God's dietary recommendations, and do not celebrate pagan (Catholic) holidays.
God has taken many hideous addictions, traumas, ailments away from me, He has given me a job even though I don't have the education and qualifications needed for the position, without His help, I would never have had the slightest chance to work there. My husband was set free from his cigarette smoking habit, which he struggled with for many years, despite trying he could never successfully quit it himself, God set him free overnight. Jesus Christ has changed our lives, he feels His help and blessing.
I know I am asking for a lot, for new life to come into our little family, but I believe God can help us, I believe God can do a miracle for us. It may be crazy to ask for something like this at the end of time, but I believe that Jesus Christ will bring us through this life.
Please pray for us and thank you for doing so.
May Jesus Christ bless you Peter, your entire family and all your readers!
Updated: 23 February 2022 — 21:13


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  1. Everyone has the right to be happy, if you are reading this, Angelika, I suggest that your husband starts eating foods with a lot of protein. Don't do anything forcibly do not stress, pray . When you have fertile days try it . The point is if the sperms are weak you need to help them a little on their way so your husband has to let the semen out as deep as possible and after that you need to arrange your body in the shape of a candle with your legs and bottom up so that the semen can reach as far as possible in large quantities. Good luck I will be praying .

  2. As you write Angelika, you are aware of the evil that is in the world, that will increase, will become more and more disgusting and hideous. You claim to "understand" it, but yours nonetheless, you want to bring a little being, an innocent, pure being into this world. You want to expose her to all that you know is wrong. People sometimes wait for an answer from God, they don't see that they got it long ago because many times they just don't want to hear it. We, my wife and I, have made a conscious decision not to have children - we are aware of what is happening and will happen. We have decided to give ourselves to people, especially children, and to preach the Word of God, not caring what others say, just as Jesus didn't care because He knew who He was and from whom He came. We are also asked about children, to which we answer directly, what I wrote earlier. I like children very much, as they like me - they are innocent and pure, not yet scaled by the evil of this world, so they are the main "target" of the evil one and his servants, not only because they will grow up, but killing them, raping them, destroying their innocence, offend the Blog.

    Jesus said:
    "All that you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."

    There are children and youth in our family. I try my best to pass on the words of Our Father to them, not just by word but by deed. I also pass them on to their parents-you can probably guess how I am perceived by many, but I ignore it because I know My Father is with me.

    Where I live, it so happened that I befriended a certain child - I am very afraid for him. I don't see him very often, but whenever I do, I try to direct him to God, although I do it slowly, according to what I feel I can say, because not everyone on their path in life is ready for knowledge at any given time, sometimes it takes a longer road and more forks in the road to be able to receive it and understand it - they do this because of the age of the child and their parents, because although they know about me, I know little about them, and I don't want to discourage them too, because perhaps the time will come, if the Father allows, that I will bring the Word to them too.

    Recently, I was talking to a teenager. The boy, because of what was going on around him, had been in a very bad mental state for a long time. Lack of support from his parents, who saw hope only in psychologists and medicines... I talked to him for a long time. About God, Jesus he knew as much as he heard, movies, he generally stated that: "so indifferent to me, but I think he is not there". Thanks to Our Father, I managed to lead the conversation in such a way that he not only listened with curiosity about Jesus, asked about who he was, but you know what I heard at the end of the conversation? He said that the conversation made him feel better, like he felt joy, peace. He thanked me, and I told him that I was just a messenger, and that he would not let it pass, thanking God.

    Jesus said to the Pharisees:
    "Some of the Pharisees who were with Him heard this and said to Him: "Are we also blind?" Jesus said to them: "If you were blind, you would have no sin, but because you say: 'We see,' your sin continues."

    Remember, Sister, the responsibility we have because we see, remember what Our Lord Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" - I know you would love to be a mom, but please talk to the Father. Consider all that you have been through and what you see. Don't worry about people's words, because many of them are blind, deceived, and the devil speaks through many of them too.

    God is with you and knows your sorrows and desires, but remember that everything He does is with you in mind, for you are His Child.

  3. Angelika I see that you are very determined, since you asked for prayer, and you did well, each of us has a different gift that we want to serve, promise me something Angelika, namely you will entrust this child to God the Father and His Son Ok? Thanks Peter for posting her request, 🤗 I will intercede the rest is up to the Lord,

  4. Angelika! Thank you for sharing your story, we have a lot in common, my husband and I are also unable to have children, i.e. God didn't give us any but we would like to, so I understand and support you very much, I will remember you and your husband in my prayers.

  5. Reading shows heart, you are a beautiful treasure Angelika, you are blessed both you and your husband, you are blessed and beautiful, it is heartening to see you, Thank you.

  6. I will pray for you and your husband Angelique, may God keep you.

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