Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

As of Feb. 22, U.S., UK and Canadian soldiers are allowed to use physical force, handcuffs in Poland.

I was sent the President's Executive Order, which is effective February 22, 2022:


I checked and there it is:


"§ 2. 1. components of foreign troops, referred to in § 1, during their stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland
for the purpose of military reinforcement of the Armed Forces of the Republic, will be entitled to the following:

1) in cases referred to in Art. 11 item 2-5 of the Act of 24 May 2013 on means of direct coercion
and firearms (Journal of Laws 2019, item 2418, and 2021, item 2447), soldiers of foreign military components will be able to
use means of direct coercionreferred to in Article 12(1)(1-2), 12(a), 13 and 18-20 of that
Act, or use those funds;
2) in the cases referred to in Article 45(1)(a-c) and Article 47 of the Act of 24 May 2013. on coercive measures
direct and firearms, soldiers of foreign military components will be allowed to use or employ firearms.

2. Use and application of means of direct coercion and firearmsreferred to in section 1, as well as documenting this use and application is carried out in accordance with the principles set out in the Act of 24 May 2013 on the means of coercion
direct and firearms."



Someone will say that it is natural in the face of the threat of war to give such powers to the allied troops, but first of all, NATO troops have been stationed in Poland for a long time, and secondly Provisions may not be a source of law in Poland. According to the Constitution, the sources of universally binding law are the Constitution and ratified international agreements.


Therefore, there is a suspicion that this action in Ukraine is also aimed at the introduction of martial law in European countries to pacify the protesters, about which I have written much earlier.


Recall the phases of the introduction of kow-tow communism:


Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer scientist: "We are approaching phase 5. Why war? Kow-Communism.

Some not yet introduced:


 Arrest opposition leaders.

- Enter digital identity for all (QR code): birth certificate, ID, passport, driver's license, health insurance card...

Imposition of martial lawto defeat the opposition.

The result, the second stage of digital control. Trap or eliminate your opponents.


This is the real purpose of the show titled war.

I also wanted to add that Khazars specialize in acting. Many famous actors and directors are of this origin.





Updated: 23 February 2022 — 10:26

1 Comment

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  1. It really doesn't look good, it's worrying. I was supposed to come to Poland in spring to see my mom, but I don't know what to do, I still have a dilemma, because I don't know whether to stay in England or come back to Poland, where in both countries I don't have a chance for a normal life today, but I believe, and I want to believe Jesus, that He will get me out of bad thoughts and I want to focus on the thought that nothing is impossible for God, with Him you can do everything. I bless everyone to draw closer to God in this difficult time 🙂 .

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