Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Canadians are pulling money out of banks en masse fearing the moves of Communist Trudeau.

Most governments in the world are increasingly showing that they are in total opposition to their citizens. Governments are becoming enemies of the people who elected them, and they elected them out of their own stupidity an attack even more profoundly because of their departure from God which results in bad choices....



What did Canadians do after Trudeau's decision to block the accounts of protesters and supporters of Traskers?


On February 16, five major Canadian banks went offline, preventing many customers from using bank transfers, online banking and mobile banking. By invoking a state of emergency and an order to seize bank accounts, Justin Trudeau has triggered a "bank run" in Canada and is thus presenting his China-style social credit plan to the world.


Is the banking system collapsing? Is this the beginning of the "great reset"? 

It's hard to judge, but in Ukraine by a strange "coincidence" people are also pulling money out of banks.

Russia is no different.


Russians take savings from accounts, banks lose liquidity

The outflow of deposits has brought Russian banks to the liquidity limit. The Bank of Russia printed trillions of rubles to support the largest in the market. The equivalent of 740 billion zloty went under the mattresses of Russian families.*

This fact alone indicates that there will be a war. The Russians have military men in their families, the word is spreading because they know what is going to happen.



In Canada, the lack of trust is not only in the communist government but also in the banksters:

 Do you think people will keep their money in institutions that can now easily confiscate it? said  one social media user.



Withdrawals are so common that Canada's largest banks have stopped operating.

Canadians are beginning to realize that banks can just as easily turn against them! Better late than never.


No one knows for 100% if war will break out, I myself am still betting that it will especially after President Duda's address:



However, whether it blows up or not probably slices the finance reset....


In Canada, ATMs are being emptied across the country, with several major banks reporting a noticeable increase in ATM outages. According to initial reports, some banks have already begun blocking all withdrawals from all of their customers.


If war breaks out in Ukraine depending on which area Poles will also empty ATMs...


The same could happen around the world, so the banking system will lose liquidity and banks will be insolvent if the majority of customers come forward to claim their money.


Trudeau went through the WEF (World Economic Forum) executive school, " Young Global Leaders," and appears on its website as a "fellow agenda setter" for these banksters.



The WEF is involved in overseeing over digital currenciesand by central banks, which fits perfectly with recent events that have taken place in Canada. This would make it even easier to eliminate "dissidents" from economic life.

You don't have digital money - you don't exist. This confirms what I have been saying and writing about the meaning of CONWOJO. Bottom-up it was a sincere rebellion against tyranny, but top-down it directs obedience in the new digital world of bondage.


 Trudeau is a great admirer of the CCP (Communist Party of China) dictatorship and has shown the world how this caste is forcibly trying to establish social credit.


Is Trudeau an outlier when it comes to cooperating with China and drawing models? It doesn't take long to find out:



Poland will be in debt to communist China.

Although I still believe that PIS is the best of the options for the plandemi time and Andrzej Duda the best president since the round furniture, we will be led into what the globalists are planning.



Khazars put Poles in debt in a country where the bible is to be rewritten and where churches are being closed, but they have the blessing of the so-called Mother (not) Divine.


There's a saying "you're poor because you're stupid - you're stupid because you're poor".

But the most blunt explanation of this is in the Bible:


"Says dumb in its heart: "There is no God. They are corrupt, they commit abominable things; there is none that doeth good." Psalm 53.


No one is interested in the Law of God. People can't recognize usurers. Ba, they elect usurers as their leaders...

Unfortunately there is collective responsibility and that is why it is so important to educate the public about the faith. Catholicism is evil at its core.


What will happen in a few months or a year or two?

Same as in China.


"The digital yuan (e-CNY), which is expected to replace cash in everyday transactions, is gaining popularity among both individual and corporate customers. That's according to Mu Changchun, head of the People's Bank of China's (PBoC) Digital Currency Institute. Speaking at a conference on Wednesday, Mu said the number of individual digital yuan accounts has reached 140 million. Another 10 million accounts were created by corporations.

China aims to completely replace cash payments with digital yuan."

Everything that is happening in the world is social engineering by Luciferians.

People think it's going to be like it used to be, but it's not.

The Luciferians will enact laws strongly opposed to God's Law, and whoever opposes it will be disconnected like the traducers from the money. The bible ONLY foretold this:


(16) He also causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, (17) and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the animal or the number of its name. (18) This is where wisdom is needed. He that hath understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast; for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six." Rev 13


Every follower of Jesus should realize that the 13th chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans thus ceases to be addressed to us. It is simply largely invalid.




My blog is an alternative to the systemic and anti-systemic but unbiblical new age media and also to the flood of "anti-systemic" Catholic media.

For about 10 years I have been growing in the knowledge of God's Law and based on this Law I relate reality. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which humanity is already experiencing with "plandia", which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.


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Updated: 19 February 2022 — 18:53

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