Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Physician "The Vatican is complicit in vaccine deaths."

Recall some of the Vatican's satano appeals:



Pope acting for kill-vaccine lobby and pope as tube of medical corporations putting Catholics to death



In calculating professional groups there are sometimes honorable people and such is the physician Dr. Peter McCullough internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, university lecturer, author of 54 peer-reviewed articles on COVID-19, who testified as an expert witness before the U.S. Congress on the coronavirus outbreak. According to, despite his recognized achievements, the doctor is discredited by the liberal media because he does not agree with the current narrative on vaccines.


The specialist called on Pope Francis not only to stop promoting vaccinations that cause numerous adverse reactions, but more importantly to fundamentally change course. As he argued:

The Vatican should abandon all coercion, all restrictions, and all advocacy or concern for vaccines. The Vatican should immediately launch a public interest campaign about vaccine complications and deaths. They should formally apologize for taking a position on vaccines that were harmful and will face potentially hundreds of thousands of vaccine deaths worldwide.

The Vatican violated the Nuremberg Code

- The Vatican has violated the so-called Nuremberg Code -- the Vatican has committed a critical violation of the bioethics code, and they need to recognize that immediately. They need to immediately apologize for this grave mistake that they have made. The Nuremberg Code states that no one under any circumstances may use any pressure, coercion, or criminal threats to administer any medical treatment or procedure, adds Dr. Peter McCullough.


I don't know if this bold doctor knows that the esoteric plane of the Vatican is Satanism or if he is taking a diplomatic approach to the matter, but an apology is not enough. In this case it would be necessary to show that this institution has nothing to do with Jesus and there is no guidance of the Holy Spirit there.

This is the basis of all evaluation of the church of Rome.

In the second place, already post-Catholics should separate the wheat from the chaff and disassociate themselves from publicists, scientists and other well-known people associated with Rome.

God says of Rome:


4) And I heard another voice from heaven saying, My people, come out of her, that you may not share in her sins, nor bear any of her plagues: (5) for her sins had accrued - up to heaven, and God remembered her crimes. (6) Repay her as she repaid, and render double for her deeds: in the cup wherein she made wine, double shall ye make a division for her1″ Rev. 18.


Anyone who knows the truth about conspiracies knows that the Vatican is the devil's Mecca.

The obelisk itself is an obelisk of the god Ra (Lucife-ra).


It is the original obelisk from Egypt.


The auditorium is in the shape of a snake:



There are many such artifacts....


"Dr. McCullough recalls what medical product approval standards were in place in the United States before the coronavirus outbreak. If there were 5 deaths within 30 days after a new product was introduced, that was a serious warning sign to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). If, on the other hand, there were 50 deaths, the drug was withdrawn from sale - regardless of proving a direct link.

Meanwhile, in the era of COVID-19, the U.S. government's VAERS system had already received more than 21,000 reports of deaths likely caused by the new coronavirus formulations. This data is virtually ignored by governments and the media, which have relentlessly promoted vaccination as the most effective weapon in the "fight against a pandemic," even though, according to Edward Pentin's interviewee, its effectiveness has not been conclusively proven.


These are criminals and now they want to cover the truth coming to the surface with war, and the Vatican is not stopping the hostilities in Ukraine. It is not calling even courteously for both sides to abandon their weapons. Orthodoxy as a daughter of the Vatican is not urging Putin or Zelenski to acquiesce. Orthodoxy counts the cash.


The Bible clearly states:


Updated: 18 February 2022 — 07:39

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