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Is the 5G network killing animals and wildlife?

I have posted news stories about mysterious bird deaths several times before.


The 150-page report, compiled by researchers at the University of Washington and Johns Hopkins University, contains three sections, the first of which looks at how ambient emfs (electromagnetic frequencies) have increased dramatically in recent years.


The second part examines how these electromagnetic fields affect living organisms. It shows how "effects have been observed in mammals such as bats, deer, cetaceans and pinnipeds, and in birds, insects, amphibians, reptiles, microbes and many species of flora, among others."



The third section focuses on limits on exposure to electromagnetic fields and the prospects for new legislation to help better protect living things from the damage caused by this constant flood of non-ionizing radiation.

"This telling review sheds light on lost opportunities for cancer prevention exemplified by asbestos, tobacco, some pesticides and now RF (radio frequency) radiation," said a spokesperson for the Environmental Health Trust (EHT).

"The authors highlight how economic considerations have been favored over cancer prevention. "The strategy casting doubt on cancer risksch was developed decades ago and is now being adopted and implemented in more sophisticated way by the telecommunications industry regarding RF-EMF risks to humans and the environment. Industry has economic power, access to politicians and media, and the anxious people are not heardć".



A DC appeals court ruled in favor of a petition calling for greater regulation of cellular radiation by the FCC.

Devra Davis, founder of EHT, said it has long been known that cellular radiation of all kinds is dangerous to both wildlife and humans. Yet the federal government turns a blind eye to science and instead promotes the interests of Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile.

"We have more than enough investigations to trigger new regulatory actions to protect wildlife," an EHT spokesperson is quoted as saying.

"The FCC should have fully reviewed the environmental impacts of 5G network deployment before upgrading hundreds of thousands of 5G cell towers across the country."



In August, the DC Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a motion filed by EHT against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The court found that the FCC had not done enough to address the growing body of evidence linking electromagnetic fields to negative health effects, even at levels below what the FCC considers "safe."

The court also noted that the FCC failed to adequately respond to the Department of the Interior after it raised the issue of the environmental damage EMFs cause to migratory birds in particular. (Related: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a report showing that Both 5G and 4G are harmful to humans and other living beings.)


On the other hand, the corporate media, which is bought and paid for by the wireless industry, has scoffed at and scorned the idea that 5G is anything other than great and wonderful.

For example, CNN, the left-wing fake news giant, published a meme in 2020 titled "Why conspiracy theorists think 5G is bad for your health and why experts say not to worry." The content of this fake news is exactly what you would expect.


Devra Davis, founder of EHT said:


"With the advent of 5G in neighborhoods across the country, wireless radiation levels will increase significantly," warns Davis, who believes the time to act is now.

"We do not have the luxury of time to discuss this issue further with the wireless industry. Adults, children, pets, wildlife and our environment are all vulnerable."


If animals are dying and Wuhan was the first city in China to turn on 5G, the conclusion is obvious.


It remains to be investigated whether 5G was sometimes turned up in Poland during the month of January, as many of us had a cold.


The Khazarian system is preparing to introduce worldwide the technology that is necessary to fulfill the end of the 13th chapter of the apocalypse.




Driving for several hundred miles on Sunday, I saw an incredibly large amount of condensation plumes.

What will be the result? We'll see.





Updated: 16 February 2022 — 19:22

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  1. That's right. In January or December, it cut me down like never before.

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