Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

War News 15.02.2022 - Russia will attack at 2 a.m.

  1. As of 15.02, the websites of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not working.

  2. At 15 o'clock armed Ukrainian formations from the direction of Orekhov opened sniper fire in the direction of the settlement of Golubovskoye, as a result of which a member of the People's Militia of the Lugansk People's Republic was killed." Could this be the first seed for conflict?
  3. The Security Service of Ukraine has detained an agent acting on behalf of Russia who was collecting intelligence needed to plan bombings against Ukrainian officers stationed in the east of the country, the SBU release reads.
  4. The situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border remains tense, and the vision of open conflict seems dangerously realistic. Footage on social media shows the movements of Russian troops near the border with Ukraine. From many of them, it can be inferred that Russia is gathering military equipment tanks, howitzers, combat vehicles and other weaponry. The authenticity of the videos has been confirmed by the US television network CNN.
  5. Troops from Chechnya head over the Ukrainian border.

  6. The Sun reports that despite reports that Putin is withdrawing some troops from the border with Ukraine, "highly placed sources say preparations to defend the besieged country will continue." U.S. intelligence claims Putin will give the order to attack probably at 1 a.m. (UK time; 2:00 am in Poland) Tuesday night into Wednesday," it read.



After a moment of calm in the morning, the afternoon news is alarming.

Many people will die in Ukraine screwed in the US-Russian war.

Maybe some last minute diplomatic miracle will still happen, but personally I rather doubt it.

I wrote a few days ago that we might wake up on the morning of the 16th and there would already be a war on our neighbors.

The question is whether this war will spread to other countries....

Here I'm betting that, unfortunately, it does.


If new information arrives today I will write an update.

Appeals to believers in the Word of God - Jesus. Let us pray for one another.

Praise Jesus, for the end of this broken world is slowly coming.



Updated: 15 February 2022 — 18:23


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  1. I've been thinking for a while why this war. It seems to me that the purpose is that Russia began to fight internally. So far the Russians are very strong and now is the apogee of their capabilities, but they have an agent Putin, who is not playing to strengthen the state, but aims at collapse as his principals tell him to. Now why is this happening and it's probably so that the strong Russia fell and had a civil war, because the antichrist must emerge, and the Russians are 70% Christians and the population is 144 million! It would be quite an obstacle away from Islamists , but busy with internal squabbles will be harmless . This is how I see it now .

    1. Yes, generally the goal of this war will be to stamp out countries with remnants of this even caricatured Christianity.
      I think the US will also be attacked

      1. Hi Peter, who do you think the usa will be attacked by ? North Korea, Russia ?, maybe China ?

        1. It's hard to say. Maybe by China and by Russia and the surprise could be Korea....

      2. The truth will set us free

        What about Poland, then?

  2. In the US they will probably turn blacks against whites , plus a financial crisis and riots ready . This is already two powers will have a civil war . That leaves China , but they will probably expand to continue the commune and surveillance state . They will probably walk hand in hand with the antichrist until the final war , which they will lose to Jesus .

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