Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The reader found the date of the outbreak of war in I Pet Goat?

If this turns out to be true, it will mean that we have irrefutable proof of Masonic/Chazarian theater.

Well, the reader of my blog, in the fragment in which the tanks are driving against the background of the ("destroyed"?) ying yang symbol, noticed that when you turn it in the right direction, it shows a perfect number "6". It gets more interesting when we see that on the left side there is a phallic stone illuminated all the time, according to him casting a shadow on the number six which gives the number 16.
This is amazing and indicates that war may actually break out on Feb 16th as they have officially announced .



Let me remind you, as I reported in the war news, that according to U.S. intelligence, Russia's aggression against Ukraine will occur on February 16.


What else have I discovered myself February 16 is a full moon. Even police statistics recorded more murders, rapes, etc. during the full moon.


How it will be time will tell, but it may be that we will wake up with bad information in the morning, and so do not be dismayed. Let us trust in God. What is to be will be.






Updated: 14 February 2022 — 16:32


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  1. The truth will set us free

    How do you think this war will look like? Will they also come to our area?

    1. There's no telling how it's going to turn out. Maybe it will only end in Ukraine or maybe not

  2. Let us pray together "Father our Creator have mercy on your creation and do not allow war"

  3. Well, it looks like a tense situation. I wonder if they are actually preparing something big or if they are just making a theater for themselves? As far as our country is concerned, I personally think that it will be a base for NATO equipment and troops. We are not threatened by anything, but the Russians may prepare some provocations from Konigsberg and Belarus. Ukraine is already sold!

    1. Putin seems to be playing poker and we will soon see how it really is.
      I have a hypothesis about why there might not be a war, but about that maybe tomorrow

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