Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Praise God for the schism among Adventists.

My sister sent me a message supposedly from Alfred Palli. This information only confirms what I have written about Adventists for many years. Although I am close to AD7 doctrines, it is now certain that they are no remnant and this text below is just proof of that.

God did not establish any church and if ad7 were one, the following would not have happened:





""I warmly welcome and recommend Pastor Vine's sermon, extremely important to understand what has been going on for the past 2 years in the world and in KADS. I attended it as it was delivered at a Saturday service at one of the largest ADS churches in the US as part of the Religious Liberty Conference. I encourage you to share it with your pastors and KADS members.

I worked as a pastor in the USA until December 2020. I confirm first hand what Pastor Vine is talking about. I will add from myself that in 2020, Dioceses in the USA accepted millions of dollars from state governments for salaries for their employees, e.g. the Diocese of Illinois received min. 1.5 million from the government for this purpose. I fear that this has contributed to KADS administrators collaborating with the government. As a result - while some non-ADS churches were open as of the end of May 2020 at the latest because they appealed the U.S. Constitution and the Illinois governor relented for fear of losing to them in court - KADS administrators voluntarily kept the churches closed, following the lead of the Catholic bishops instead of following the example of the prophet Daniel, who did not stop services because the authorities wanted him to. The churches that remained open during the lockdowns suffered NOTHING, nor did they lose anything. Our churches, on the other hand, have seen a huge drop in worship attendance to this day, as have Catholic churches.

Pastors who warned of such lockdown effects and argued against their unconstitutionality - were silenced or fired.

Also, the General Conference bureaucracy has collaborated with the government and big pharma by, among other things, promoting experimental pseudo-vaccines in KADS churches. Pastor Vine explained in this sermon why: this is about huge government money, 20 times more than what comes from tithing! In turn, the Loma Linda University employees who helped the bureaucracy promote these pseudo-vaccines in the Adventist community sit on Pfizer's advisory boards for which they get a lot of money, and in return they promote big pharma products....

KADS has always led the way in defending religious freedom and the separation of state and church, but its institutions stopped doing so during the plandemic, when this principle was violated more than ever by an increasingly fascist government. This passivity is not unlike the course taken by KADS administrators in Nazi Germany, which resulted in the weakening of the moral authority of the German KADS for many years....

Thank God for pastors who stand up for religious and civil liberty, for one is not without the other. May there be more pastors in KADS who are courageous, knowledgeable about history and prophecy, such as Vine, Kelly and Bowman, whom I know personally and recommend their sermons.





Adventists also do not recognize who the biblical beast is, its system, as if the Khazars did not exist in the world.




Updated: 11 February 2022 — 21:40

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