Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Leftist Catholic Church cardinal calls for revision of teaching that homosexuality is no longer "sinful"

The Roman Church from its very existence was the church of the devil himself, which was and is also in Judaism.

It is long past time for Catholics to quote Jesus as saying that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against this church is a strong abuse.

People like the following are not isolated individuals, occasional Judases. The Church of Rome is run by Judas.



Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, President of the Commission of the Episcopal Conference of the European Union, maintains that the Church's teaching on homosexuality is wrong and should be changed. Hollerich's comment, Jesuit, appeared during an interview with KNA , a German Catholic news agency.

The Catholic news service said Hollerich believes the church's assessment of homosexuality as sinful is wrong. "I believe that the sociological and scientific basis of this teachings are no longer correct" - Hollerich said. He called for a fundamental revision of Church teaching and noted that the way Pope Francis has spoken about homosexuality could trigger a change in doctrine.

Hollerich is president of the Europe-wide grouping of Catholic bishops' conferences known as COMECE. In an interview with KNA, Hollerich was asked to evaluate a campaign in which some 125 employees of the Catholic Church in Germany, including several priests, have come out as LGBTQ, and the Church's teaching on homosexuality.

Once again the enemies of Jesus, the Jesuits, expose their true face. According to the Catholic Church (the same is true of Jehovah's Witnesses), theology and the Law of God include evolution...

One time one can claim this way and another time another way. All it takes is for someone to have a bishop's title, a doctorate in theology. For them the Law of God is not important...


So how can one be an oppositionist in Poland, anti-system and a Catholic at the same time? It is an oxymoron.

Just as one can be a Protestant while being in a denomination that scandalizes the Church of Rome (Evangelical Alliance).


The Khazars, the Jesuits, the illuminati, the communists, the Vatican, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the CIA, along with the UN are all one and the same bunch.


In another part, Hollerich said: "I think it's time for a fundamental revision of doctrine."


It's hard to wonder that the world doesn't have God's blessings since it follows the Jesuits. Just a reminder: Macron, Trump, Trudeau and many other political leaders graduated from Jesuit schools.

Wrealu24 can tell itself a lot of truth as Rome's system will be supported anyway.




Updated: 7 February 2022 — 11:14

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