Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The anti-system is shrinking.

New facts are coming in. I don't have time to check everything, but Lach Chwat (Sebastian), whom I mentioned last week that he still of the anti-system mind, recorded a good video of facts today.

I didn't know that one of the convoy organizers was involved in an LGBT march.

After this material I am more and more skeptical about Zięba. This is a diplomatic statement of my attitude towards him.

I said two years ago that in time PLANdemia would verify and anti-system and it is happening.

I remember Lach Chwat (Sebastian Nadolski) inviting me to join the protest group, but I knew then that there was no point, because this is not the way. The way forward, as I keep repeating, is to reject Khazar culture. Boycott, inform, pass it on, etc.


Sebastian quickly grasped who is who and emerged from the anti-system controlled for the needs of opposition politicians like Socha, Braun, etc.

He correctly stated in the video that the anti-systemists have caught on in these two years to what plandemia is and who is lying but they can't catch on to what the convo is like in Canada....

Let's pray for Sebastian because he seems like a fine man and now he has dared to cool the (controlled) convoy enthusiasm.





Updated: 7 February 2022 — 13:39

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