Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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The Antichrist will be introduced during the World Cup.


Controversial Nigerian cleric, evangelist Funmilayo Adebayo, better known as "Mumia GO", has revealed that the Antichrist will be introduced to the world through the World Cup soccer tournament.


The evangelist said this during a sermon in which she said football players will go to hell.

He is the general overseer of the Rapture Proclaimer of the Evangelical Church of God, made this revelation in an interview with BBC Pidgin, where he gave insight into his previous statement that all football players will be thrown into the fires of hell.


"I am not the only person who said that. We have people from Ghana who have also said the same thing. Even white men have said it. Just go to Google, search for soccer god, and you will be shown. Why didn't I say the same thing about other sports? The event that will introduce the antichrist to the world will take place during the World Cup," she said.

About how to create heaven, she said it has to do with obeying God, which is hard to do.



"The only way to make heaven is the hardest task on earth, and is obedience to God. The reason I said it was the hardest is because obedience to God is the most painful thingą. For example, there is a way of dressing that we like, and some of it is seductive. Imagine Jesus saying that you must stop dressing that way before you can create heaven. Isn't that hard? Besides, you have a girlfriend who understands you, suggests business ideas, and is fine in every way. Unfortunately, you are a married man. When your wife complains about money, your girlfriend comforts you. Won't it be painful if you hear a sermon that warns against extramarital affairs? Eighty percent of what we like does not please God. That's why obeying God is hard," he said

I haven't done a reaserch of this evangelist, but she seems to speak by inspiration of God. It's true, the hardest thing of all is to obey God. Mankind has no idea what God expects of them because there are no good teachers. How are they supposed to know when most pastors are in religions that are in marriage with Rome....


The given example of clothing indeed can be unbearable for many women. Deep necklines, minis barely covering the seat are indecency. Nudity and intimacy, desire, are supposed to be in marriage and not at work, school, or anywhere outside the home.



Similarly, I noted long ago that the god of soccer is NIKE.



In the stands, there's brawling, swearing, and the sport is run by corporate business. Not to mention corruption and football players who, because of their tattoos, are like walking paintings.


It is not a bad thing to watch a game once in a while, although it does not bring anything good to our lives, but the love of watching a ball is a sin of idolatry.



Could the antichrist be coming to the World Cup?

This is very possible given that the House of Abraham temple in Abu Dhabi is also scheduled to be built in that year of 2022.

This is what a temple combining several religions is supposed to look like: Allah, the god of Catholicism and Judaism.


To know who's behind it all you have to do is a little reading.

Fresh information from today:



On International Human Brotherhood Day, U.S. President Joe Biden issued a statement calling on all nations to unite in overcoming divisions in working together to overcome global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis, "to build a better world which upholds universal human rights, elevates every human being and contributes to peace and security for all."

In a statement, President Biden said: "From the ongoing threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and the existential climate crisis to the rise in violence around the world, these challenges require global cooperation from people of all backgrounds, cultures, faiths and beliefs . They require us to talk to each other in open dialogue to promote tolerance, inclusion and understanding."

President Biden continued: "In my life, faith has always been a beacon of hope and a call to purpose, even in the darkest of days. The sacred teachings across faith traditions command us to love one another, to serve and protect the most vulnerable, and to uphold the dignity of every person, which is what International Human Brotherhood Day is all about."

The slogan Biden used was his election slogan " build a better world


Communists cannot build a better world. Communism has claimed millions of lives just like the c-19 military action.


Abraham's house in Abu Dhabi is almost complete as is the construction of the New World Order.



Just look at this photo below to know from the symbols on the floor (octagon) who is behind this spiritually:



HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, received a delegation of leaders from the Abrahamic Agreement Group in the United Kingdom, a non-profit organization that aims to support the implementation and expansion of historic peace agreements in the Middle East . .


The octagon is also a symbol of policing.



The championship due to the temperature in Qatar will be in November. By that time there will most likely be a nice war to create (not) Order from Chaos.



Updated: 4 February 2022 — 11:22

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  1. As the Soccer Cup will take place in November and it will be in the Middle East in Qatar where Islam is dominant and just before the opening of the House of Abraham I think it is no coincidence and it will all come together at the same time and they will officially affirm one world religion and the man of sin will be revealed and I believe that an awakening will also begin and the Holy Spirit will be poured out as at Pentecost so that the church of Christ will move in the Power of the Holy Spirit meaning spirit, soul and body will be completely under the control of Christ.
    With the awakening also there will be terrible persecution on a world wide scale and so the end will come because the word says the gospel will be preached to all and so the end will come and then the wrath of God will begin and the end of grace and it will be a terrible time for people who have rejected the gospel. This of course will not take place immediately like the mark of the beast although looking at this vision of this pastor who was a Catholic everything would agree and confirm that this will be an interval of time for certain events that will end the time of God's grace.
    These are just my thoughts

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