Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Truck driver protest scam.

The anti-systemicists will not like this post, but I don't write for the public and for ratings. I write for the truth and that is Jesus.

The very fact that these drivers are cursing Trudeau shows that they need God as much as their Prime Minister.

By the way, I haven't heard any calls for conversion to God at any protest....


Yes, what is going on in Canada is Masonic theater and I will prove it to you in a moment.
First, look at the Khazarian/Masonic logo, and it's clear who's behind it:


The libertarians played out....


The biblical beast system is laughing in people's faces, and all who do not trust Jesus will end very badly.

What's happening in Canada is typical PSYOP (psychological surgery).

Psychological operations are operations designed to communicate selected information and indicators to audiences in order to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.


Last year as well as in 2020 I posted phases of the introduction of kowikomunism.


Below is phase five, as we are in this one:


Phase 5: Introduction of chaos and martial law. (November 2021 - March 2022)


- Cause a shortage of goods and food.

- Cause the real economy to paralyze and factories and stores to close.

- Let unemployment explode.

- Give the third dose of stab .

- Get busy murdering the living elderly.

- Mandatory stabbing for all.

- Increase variant myth, stab effectiveness, and herd resilience.

- Demonstrate stabbing opponents and blame them for their deaths.

- Arrest opposition leaders.

- Enter digital identity for all (QR code): birth certificate, ID, passport, driver's license, health insurance card...

Imposition of martial lawto defeat the opposition.

The result, the second stage of digital control. Trap or eliminate your opponents.



All according to plan...

Think about who will suffer from all this in Canada?

Will politicians suffer?

Absolutely not.

There are a lot of goods in those trucks that will never reach their destination. The big global elite companies have their own trucks and delivery system. So many small business owners lose their deliveries. Not to mention the local businesses that sell food. Empty shelves. No revenue. And that's why it's so dramatically obvious that the entire protest is organized by the enemy: the Freemasons following the orders of the Khazarian Jesuits.

Interestingly, Trudeau, like Macron, graduated from a Jesuit school...



After the occult Khazarian logo we then have the illuminati card:



The Jesuits have founded the Illuminati order and are now playing the Canadians and giving the freedmen of Europe false hope that things will change.


Why did I even stop believing in politics from 12 years ago? Because time and time again nothing changed for the better, and it only got worse.

When I came to this impotence I already knew the power but the Word of God and the realism of the prophecies, the apocalypse.

It helped me turn back from the infantile path of believing in politics and politicians. In those 12 years, there was not a single moment where I regretted it.


Now many NEW anti-systems people have appeared .

Where have they been for decades?

Much of it is new age, and that movement is a Luciferian movement, and I don't know if they don't know that, or if they're playing.

They promote shamanism or Huna, vibrations, chakras and etc.


Luciferians have everything under control. If the Traskers' protest were to threaten their interests, they would have dealt with the leaders long ago.


All hope in God, and not in protests that will probably cause martial law in Canada.



Updated: 2 February 2022 — 07:53


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    1. gee, what have they done to the American people...

      1. It just goes to show when there's not enough food, people will kill each other

  1. The truth will set us free

    Honestly Mr. Peter, I have always been against vaccinations etc. but without this blog I would be glad to hear about these trucks. Now I know that I can only trust God.
    Thank the Lord for having this blog there.
    Praise Jesus!

    1. I was also happy when Walesa became president

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