Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Bible quotes to help you understand what raising a child is all about.

Regardless of faith, most young people, and as we know not everyone, want children very much. It is the next stage in maturity and self-realization. I am already a father, I am already a mother.

However, having a child is like walking your heart outside your body. As any mother or father knows, the process of raising a child is full of emotions, uncertainties, joys and sorrows.



The problem is even worse if we ourselves did not receive a proper upbringing and even worse if we converted while the children were growing up, because there is more to repair.

No matter what stage you are at as a parent I present BIBLE quotes to help you understand what raising a child is all about.




 (8) My son, listen to your father's instruction and do not reject your mother's teaching, (9) For they are a beautiful wreath on your head and a necklace around your neck! (10) My son, if sinners want to lure you, don't let them! Proverbs 1. 8-10


In some translations it says "obey your father's instruction and do not reject your mother's teaching,"


Torah is instruction and true instruction from a father will be based on the basis of Torah, but not on rituals but on moral messages. A well instructed child will not be lured by sinners, he will recognize the spiritual danger and thanks to this you, dear parent brother and sister, will have no problems in adult life.


(13) "All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be the peace of your children." Isaiah 54.13


Biblical teaching as seen produces greater peace and sustainability.


 (6) Train a boy properly for the path he is to take, and he will not deviate from it even in old age. Proverbs 22


Train, work, educate... This does not mean hitting, but balanced instruction with patience. If you lack it, ask for the grace of patience. You have the right to be angry, but you do not have the right to live in anger. "Be angry but do not sin.



"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him." Psalm 127. 3


In this day and age, this is a disempowered and archaic approach. Parents are becoming on moment people who have given in to the lies of this system, one of which is that physical love has an equal sign with spiritual love....

Such erroneous thinking results in UNWANTED CHILDREN who end up waiting for a death sentence in an abortion clinic or are killed by abortion pills. On the other hand, many couples would like to have offspring but cannot.

In Torun, this verse reads differently: "Behold, the sons are an inheritance Jhwhand the fruit of the womb a reward."

An heir is a successor. In this case, the wealth is God's Law....



"Jesus said: 'Let the children come to me and do not disturb them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. " Matthew 19.


We should learn from children to trust in God. Children have to rely on their parents because they are vulnerable, and so we should also rely on God in this hostile world of Satan.




"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 4


God is a contented parent when we as children walk in truth and truth is Jesus.

You cannot raise children in truth and celebrate Santa Claus, or teach a semblance of faith, or accept this system as authorized by God. Plandemia is not only a test of intelligence but also a test of believers for truth.

Where there is a lie there is no Jesus, where there is truth there is Jesus.


"May their heart remain so, may they fear Me, and keep all My commandments all their days, that it may go well with them, themselves and their sons, forever." Deuteronomy 5.

Obedience guarantees blessing. This is not a rule about wealth, but about living a good, wise life. After all, children from wealthy families have a good financial start but are devoid of morals. These days, it's absolutely evident how Internet users point out doctors' lack of moral backbone.



"A you, Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord." Eph 6.5


It is different to raise children in discipline and at the same time without anger, but it doesn't mean that balance is not possible. There should be discipline but with love. I am not going to give a ready recipe here, as there are many books on this subject. There is a trend nowadays, which is contained in the Protestant book "Easy Obedience".



Let these words that I command you today be in your heart. Instill them in your children; speak them when you are at home, when you are traveling, before you go to bed, and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6.6-7


Words of instruction from the Bible should be standard in everyday life. Unfortunately, the church of Rome has confined them to the building.

Who is trying to practice biblical culture on a daily basis these days?

Magnets, postcards, pictures are in the rooms, the kitchen, but why not Bible quotes?

God is trapped in churches.



"All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54


The children's submission and devotion to God results in their being taught by God Himself. They gain experiences that shape their character in accordance with God's will.



" Punish (practice) and it will spare you anxiety and eventually be a source of great satisfaction." Proverbs 29.17


Training makes perfect. Now we have many absentee fathers who cause any neglect in parenting to fall later on their children's life partners: husbands and wives.


Fathers, do not cause your children to become embittered, lest they become discouraged. Col 3.


Argue rather than insult, do not incite anger. Practice self-control. This is training for both sides.


Don't be discouraged or disheartened. It will be hard but worth it. It will all pay off. Bad people want to spoil your child through movies, games, TV shows, etc.

But someday you will see the difference and the joy that comes from this effort:


"Children are the crown for the elderly, and parents are the pride of their children." Rev. 17.6


A Christian should stand out in this world.




You formed my kidneys; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank Thee that Thou hast made me so wonderfully; verily, admirable are Thy works, and Thou knowest my soul well. Psalm 139


Praise be to God for me 🙂 .

If I have helped you with this article, please do something for me and pray for my person.




Updated: 27 January 2022 — 10:53

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  1. Peter a prayer for you, always. Praise God for you. 🙏

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