Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Prominent anti-vaccinationists have Masonic connections and are in the NEW AGE.

Lately I have been troubled by the subject of failing governments. I won't tell you why, but I've had some experience with people who think that after the current government comes a whole new government, described as expert, expert.


Today I was forwarded a link to H. Makov, whom I know, in which he demonstrated the connections of known anti-vaxxers (anti-vaccinationists) to the satanic Academy of Divine Knowledge.


The Academy's logo is a hexagram in a circle, most commonly known to us/us as the star of Remfan for the sake of confusion and unfoundedly called the Star of David. 
 They charged before it was brought to their attention $33 per month for membership in the Academy of Divine Knowledge, which is obvious to us who they serve.
So we already have two pieces of evidence for the Khazarian foundation of the anti-vaxxin movements: the hexagram and the 33.

Teachers at this school are a collection of media parapsychological, yoga instructors, televangelists and other New Age personalities. One of the remote observers, Michael Jaco, is even a former CIA agent.


By the way, count how many rectangles in the logo NTV has?




Well, and divide by three.


Back to the Academy of Divine Knowledge.


On their website they write: "The Academy of Divine Knowledge was founded on the original principle of helping humanity in the process of awakenings at your convenience. Through the sharing and discovery of expansive information and knowledge, our goal is to come together to raise collective consciousness while preserving and promoting freedom of speech. We knew we needed a change in our world and we knew we could only do it on a collective level. When we gather in unity consciousness and combine our energy, we change our entire reality in ways that surpass even our wildest dreams!"


Awakening is the key word. It is also commonly used in the new age language of charismatics. By itself it can mean awakening from Satan's Matrix, but in new age language it has another meaning entirely.

It is associated with Saturn and as Makov shows astrology is important to the occult, including Kabbalism, and 2020 is simply the year that all the stars aligned, so to speak.

The Romans used to celebrate the week-long festival of Saturnalia beginning on December 17 each year. In 2020, Saturn entered the sign of Aquarius on December 17 and will remain so until March 2023.  
Saturn was also in Aquarius from March 21 to June 1, 2020, and before that, the last time it was in the 90s, and before that, the 60s. Not only that, but in the last 100 years Saturn has never appeared in any sign on December 17, ancient astrological records would be required to find the last time this happened.
The first Saturn period in Aquarius in 2020 corresponds to the time when most countries were first blockaded, and the second round of blockades began around the time of Saturnalia. Now, in July 2021, some countries are in a new round of blockades, while others are introducing vaccine passports to separate those who have not succumbed to coercion and accepted deadly experimental vaccines

One of the teachers of the anti-vaxxer group  Dr. David Martin:



Horus' eye shows his faith. We Bible believers must shed our gullibility. Our desire to see good people fighting the system cannot be stronger than the truth and the fruit filter. By their fruits ye shall know them....


Another iconic anti-vaxxer is the famous Kennedy.



 The Academy is conducting an exclusive interview with him on its website. He has made several films with Judy Mikovits known to us for her films exposing plandem and David Icke.


However, in addition to his work with vaccines,  RFK Jr.  is also an environmental activist. He has even gone so far as to side with the anti-pope Pope Francis on climate change: RFK, Jr.: Pope is right, climate change is a 'moral issue' | Live video | Fox News


I have consistently said that the New Age shares a common denominator with the Pope, which is why it is not common to find criticism of the Jesuit Pope on New Age sites


"A major part of the WEF's (World Economic Forum) Great Reset is the climate change agenda. While reducing pollution and minimizing damage to the planet are certainly noble ideas, the climate change agenda is about reducing carbon emissions. There is no clear link between carbon emissions and changes in global temperatures, but the measures proposed to reduce emissions will have a drastic impact on the standard of living for almost everyone in the world."


Why are lockdowns now being extinguished in the UK and France?

Most likely though I could be wrong about this due to entering the second phase: from a vaccine passport to a carbon passport.

Plancemia was only to prepare a base, a primer for climate terror.


Another teacher from their new site is Vidette Mayer -  consciousness guide, energy healer, spiritual practitioner, award-winning speaker, published author, certified creativity coach, licensed hypnotherapist...


He is an "alchemist of transformation" and Activates souls ready to step into their higher selves, healing expressions to live a life of exceptional creativity, abundance, freedom and service to humanity.

There are more healers, energizers, etc. on this site.

As recently as last year, the website looked like this:


A familiar looking symbol right?



They have everything under control.

However, Jesus Christ has their actions under control and we know this from the Bible:


You kids,
You are of God and have overcome them,
Because greater is He who is in you,
From him who is in the world. 1 John 4.


There is nothing for the future to be flaunted by the advocates of truth who have now sprung up.

I have already presented the faith of Ivan Komarenko and others.


It seems to me that we are close to overthrowing the governments as we have known them so far and in their place will come these "enlightening" illuminati lights....


If someone does not urge people to come to Jesus and does not deny Khazaria then no matter how beautifully spoken he is suspect.






Updated: 20 January 2022 — 16:01

1 Comment

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  1. Very good article. Thank you. Nowadays New Age, consciousness-raising and great awakening groups are popping up like mushrooms after the rain. I myself got caught up in it at first. However, the more I look into the Holy Bible, the more I understand that there is only one way, which is Jesus Christ.

    We will see much more deception in the years to come, but hearing the word of God will help us to distinguish what is good and what is only pretending to be good.

    Thank you

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