Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Received advice for the common cold from Brothers and Sisters.

I finally found the time to read and, as promised, have put together a collection of the advice I received with my cold. Some say I had a celebrity, but I didn't have shortness of breath or even a fever....

Perhaps others may find what is written here helpful:



Advice from Jack:


Brother Peter I recommend vitamin D3 and activated charcoal on the celebrant. Dr. Czerniak says according to Prof. Wojciech Kostowski's pharmacology textbook 1000 units per 1 kg body weight per day for three days during illness. I take 16000 to 20000 units a day prophylactically and my immunity has increased a lot and even my bone density has increased. Second thing take activated charcoal flat spoon per glass of water and mix well every five hours until the poop is black and one more time this will help to cleanse the body. I give what I buy and sent to you in my shopping account. Check what I have written for yourself. Don't take my word for it.
With God


Recommended carbon, vit D3


Advice from Nela:


Of course, my son and I will be praying for your health.
I would just like to hint about the forgotten method which is bubbles. A year ago with my son we had a celebrity and at the beginning vitamin C mega dose 3, 4 x a day after 1000mg Ascorvita and zincas zinc 3 x 1tabl.
A lot of raw onion is also worth in addition to garlic, polopyrin at night and rub your chest and back with camphor oil and these bubbles every two days.
May the Lord God Almighty deliver you from this evil.


High doses of Vit C and Zinc, bubbles, onions, garlic.




Peter, take a look, it should be useful.
Zinc along with quercitin plus vitamin D3 is very important. Vitamin C should be taken at least half an hour apart from vitamin D3. Activated charcoal is worth considering although that works best for the first symptoms. And inhalations. Herbs include mullein - which has antiviral properties, licorice root. It would be good to have at least Naproxen - it is without a prescription.
And prophylactically against pneumonia goose lard preferably with garlic on the chest before bedtime.

I will pray for your recovery.

Zinc, quercitin., D3, goose lard for the cage, Naproxen, licorice


I recently found this information, unfortunately I haven't tried this method personally cyt:
We confirm the effectiveness and speed of action of baking soda on celebrity (two days and forgives the acute phase) based on our own experience! ( Two flat teaspoons scald with boiling water, add cold and drink, preferably before bedtime ).

Baking soda 


My sister recommended a previously unknown herb to me:

Artemisia annua and its active compound artemisinin have been studied in the context of action against SARS-type viruses. In the last decade, Artemisia's effectiveness against previous SARS, has been rated as the second most potent herb against this type of virus.


Another sister recommended an herb that was effective for malaria:

Chinina is an organic chemical compound, an alkaloid with a bitter taste, found in the bark of the quinine tree that grows in South America in the Andes.


- was the first effective antimalarial drug, but was replaced by synthetic drugs due to adverse and even irreversible side effects - is still used today for chloroquine resistance - is a protoplasmic venom for the Plasmodium parasite which causes malaria


Matthew's advice:

I would like to tell you that when you have this disease, you need to provide as much vitamin D3 as possible (preferably D3MK7 complex), only later I discovered that people who had small amounts of this vitamin in their bodies usually get pneumonia due to the fact that there is a cytokine storm and vitamin D3 destroys this storm, Therefore, you need to take very large amounts of this vitamin the more severe the symptoms (without fear that you overdose on it, because it is removed when there is too much of it), and the vitamin itself is "used up" during each infection in the body, so it is best to provide it even during mild colds. Additionally, zinc is also worth taking. Then vitamin C in large amounts (I have read that some people have even used vitamin C in amounts that start to cause diarrhea and gradually reduced the amount to provide it on the borderline and supposedly it worked even with severe symptoms, I have never tried this method).
Garlic, this I used at least once a day 2-3 cloves, but it is worth it and morning and evening for sandwiches.
Ginger - grated loss or finely chopped for tea, later you can bite it and eat it, because it will no longer be so burning very much.
As for tea - later I tried to drink tea with pine needles (here you have to be careful that it is the POSPOLITA pine, because yellow pine is poisonous). You can also replace the pine needles with fir needles (2 white stripes on the lower side of the needle), here it is practically impossible to make a mistake, although the fir is said to have weaker properties than the Scots Pine. I cut the needles quite finely, so that as much juice as possible could be released in the tea, or I poured hot water over them and drank the same water with this juice. You can also boil the needles for a few minutes. It is worth to drink several such "teas" a day. For me and my brother, they probably partially helped with a lost or malfunctioning sense of smell; there is a substance in the needles that supposedly destroys these thorn proteins.

vit d3, garlic, ginger




Ginger ale:


Regarding your information and request: a drink with ginger and turmeric helps me a lot. I peel and blend both ingredients and boil them in 1.5 liters of water. 200g of ibir and half a finger of turmeric root. After 5 minutes of cooking I strain and put into bottles. In this raw state I keep in the refrigerator for 2, 3 weeks. I add infusion to tea with lemon and honey as desired, about 0.1 cup.
The original recipe is
100g ginger
1.5 l water
1 lemon
3-4 tablespoons of honey
But the honey and lemon should be added to the cooled beverage
I've seen a lot of advice from readers and most of it right.
Vitamin C powder so called ascorbic acid take in large doses until the so called laxative effect.
Charcoal is cool because it collects toxins from the body.
Vitamin D in such cases 40-50 thousand units (I take it from Horseshoe eu)
Garlic, ginger certainly can't hurt



Turmeric, piperine, ginger, cinnamon anti-inflammatory


plus Impuret (a complex of herbs):



My sister is a nurse and she recommended that we take it once a day for 3 days Vigantol, oral drops, (20,000 IU/mL), 10 ml whole bottle add to warm milk and drink. And a high dose of vitamin A and E so we bought this vitamin and ate one whole row and to that one zinc tablet. After the law followed very quickly. My husband had a fever for 5 days. As we started to vitaminize his condition improved. Mine also improved to the extent that I could do something at home. The most important thing is vitamin D - a shock dose. Madzia described the case of one man who suffered from blindness and could not walk for several weeks, his body was weakened. After Madz advice and taking vitamin D he got out of bed, washed himself and felt better.


Vit D.



Someone else recommended:


The most important of the whole description is this line:


During the reign of infectious diseases, andrographis was administered to all those who struggled with tuberculosis, malaria, and hepatitis.


From the above information, it is clear that effective treatment of the common cold requires a horse dose of vitamin D, with vit C being the minimum necessary.

Personally, I still used tincture of amber and some herbs.

There were no miracles, but I did not - praise God - end up in the hospital.


Now I have a severe cough, for which I am offered a decoction of marjoram by the Brothers and Sisters.

The main thing is to attack the disease right away.

Perhaps someone will benefit from this advice. I, for one, thank you all for all the advice and of course the prayers as well.


Praise Jesus.




Updated: 18 January 2022 — 16:17

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