Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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An anti-covalid doctor loses his license and is subject to psychiatric evaluation for misinformation...

A doctor loses his medical license and undergoes a psychiatric evaluation after being accused of spreading misinformation.


A doctor with years of experience is barred from practicing medicine after her license was temporarily suspended due to complaints based on the fact that she shared misinformation about coronavirus.


According to Miami Herald , the board ordered her to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation. Dr. Meryl J. Nass, who became licensed to practice medicine in Maine in 1997, "immediately" suspended her license for 30 days after the board investigated and reviewed complaints against her on Jan. 12, according to a suspension order issued by the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine.

Nass, who is an internist at Ellsworth, must 'submit' to evaluation by 'psychologist' selected by the council" on Feb. 1, according to a board order issued Jan. 11. "I have no comment on taking the neuropsychiatric exam, except that the board ordered me to do so for uncertain reasons," Nass told McClatchy News, adding thate has been licensed for 41 years.


"Information received by the Board indicates that Dr. Nass is or may be unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety for his patients due to mental illness, alcohol intoxication, excessive drug use, narcotics, or as a result of mental state or physical interference with the competent practice of medicine," the order of assessment states.


According to my information received from various sources, surgeons, at least in Poland, quite often abuse alcohol in connection with their work and no one sends them for examination. Here, it was enough to say something contradictory to the demonic rhetoric to accuse the doctor of possible abuse, including drug abuse and mental illness.





America, the country where freedom seems to be the most valued, is becoming, under Biden, a copy of the Khazarian USSR, where those who thought differently were sent to a psychiatric ward.


Political abuses of psychiatry also occur in People's Republic of China.


This world can be changed. It's enough to throw away people's TV sets, but that's utopia.






Updated: 17 January 2022 — 17:22

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