Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Evidence of stabbing deaths.

A film important in terms of credibility. Documenting the deaths of people who were stabbed:




From the movie description:


 We would like to believe in coincidences....
Unfortunately, this is no longer just a theoretical risk, but hundreds of thousands of people around the world, overly trusting in how corrupt the mass-media...
Science also, despite enormous lobbying influence, provides us with the knowledge of the lethality of these experimental genetic preparations.
Today I am going to cite you one very important scientific study explaining this huge wave of heart attacks, blood clots and deaths.
"We conclude that mRNA-containing vaccines dramatically increase endothelial inflammation and myocardial infiltration by T cells and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events after vaccination."
And now two words of commentary. Vascular thrombosis does not need to be explained to anyone, its occurrence everywhere the blood reaches and its consequences up to strokes, amputations and death. However, it is worth mentioning the less commonly associated cadmiomyopathy. According to the WHO classification, most of its variants develop on a genetic basis (that is, we have here the effects of "playing" with human genes). The heart is a muscle and it can cause fibrosis, make it difficult for the fibers to stretch and thus prevent its physiological work. Depending on the variety of cadmiomyopathy it can also cause left ventricular hypertrophy, arrhythmia or fatty degeneration. It is the source of a whole range of diseases and in itself is not easy to diagnose.
In practice - when we see a person who suffers from sudden dyspnoea, dizziness, weakness or simply collapses to the ground, as we see recently in sports arenas - it may be the effect of cadmiomyopathy!

Updated: 7 January 2022 — 16:17


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  1. The truth will set us free

    Hello Mr. Peter
    I am 15 years old and soon the moment will come when I will have to dare and give resistance. Unfortunately, practically everyone in my family( close family as far as distance from my home is concerned) believes in stinkbugs, masks, etc. I was the only one who did not. And unfortunately, in June I adopted a death mask and I regret it very much. From the beginning I was on the good side of the barricade, but at that time I was a little indifferent to it. The point is that at the time I thought it would continue to be a plague anyway. I pray to God every day for my health so that I can continue to live. The crux of the matter is that I am already hearing about 3 doses. It is time to resist because it is the only way this world will be saved. They can take away my phone etc. I prefer not to destroy my health anymore, even though it is already destroyed.

    P.s. Have you heard about Banbye? It is a Polish YouTube with no censorship. I will watch you for sure if you are not there yet.

    1. Hello, God bless you.

      I'm not likely to because I think it's Catholic controlled opposition.

      1. The truth will set us free

        And in your opinion, would it be possible to change a few things in the Mass to be consistent with all of God's Laws? For example, about the hosts
        I'm asking if it would be possible because I don't think it would be possible because if we have a socialist pope and a Khazar (I've been here since November 2021 and I need to learn more about who the Khazars are, etc. so if I make mistakes I apologize) who will probably be a saint after he dies, I don't see it happening.

        1. it's like fixing a bacterium
          You can't

    2. Hello Brother,

      In my family, I am also the outcast and the crazy, the weirdo. I have always been there for Our Father - sometimes less, sometimes more, especially when I was as old as you are, but I have always stayed with Our Father and everything I have done and am doing, I have tried to do in Him.

      Jesus, our Brother, Teacher and Lord, will never reject anyone unless he himself rejects him: "But whoever denies me before men, him I will also deny before my Father in heaven. - there is no deed that He would not forgive because He gave you life out of Love, He wanted you to be.

      We humans have the right to make mistakes, it is important to keep God's Law - it is not to force, it is for our good, it shows the way of Truth, the way to our Father.

      Our Magnificent Father, gave us the ability to choose, even though He is Great and All Can, He allowed you to choose - an indescribable gift, from the Being who created it all and set it in motion.

      So, you have the option, abide with God or walk away from Him. Remember, however, that every decision, action, has its consequences. Today's people have been taught to be completely free, to perceive their imaginary reality without thinking. God in His Goodness and Love is a Just and Consistent Judge. He will never break a promise because He is Perfect.

      What a child wants is not always what is best for them. Look at it this way...there is a child who insists that he wants to play in the middle of a busy street, what will a parent who loves his child do? Will he allow him to do so?

      God in His Laws and Provisions is not selective, He loves all His Creatures with Full Love - when He says He gives free choice, He is.

      Friend, do not be afraid, for fear belongs to the devil. If you are with God, no one and nothing can destroy you, for He will send a host of His angels to rescue you and will stand between the Fire and you.
      Remember: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the powers, against the authorities, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spiritual elements of evil in the heavenly places.

      "Which of you, when he has a hundred sheep, and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until he finds it? And when he has found it, he takes it with joy on his shoulders and goes home; he calls his friends and neighbors together and says to them, ."

      It's not that these 99 are less important, these are the ones of them that don't need a doctor.

      You are not alone. Our Father is with those who are with Him. Never do anything that is contrary to your heart and conscience, try to do everything as if you were doing it for the glory of Our Father.

      Be strong in Him and never, but never put all your hope in man, but in God, because man is weak and changeable, only in God can you have fullness.

      If you ever find yourself in a situation where everyone around you is abandoning you, slandering you, cursing you, say to God in your own words what is in your heart, ask for support, and everything will go away and you will receive everything.

      Do not be afraid for this life. In spite of what people do, try to confront evil and speak God's Word to people and pass it on to them through action as well.

      That time will be cut short, but it must be filled, persevere Brother.

      Today I mention you to Our Father to give you strength, words when you lack them and peace when you feel agitation and fear. Give yourself to God and there will be peace in your heart forever.

      1. The truth will set us free

        Thank you for those words. I give myself to God every day. He is the only one you can trust.

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