Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Part 2 of Cathy Don't Go shows Christians in the woods and Lucifer's militia.

I was sent the continuation of the video "Catty Dont Go To The Supermarket", in which the thing happens in the forest. Christians are escaping to forests from chasing them Lucifer's militia marked 666.


Is escape to the woods such a complete fiction?


Not necessarily. Just today I wrote that a few months ago Italian teachers are teaching in the woods, and a Spanish woman fled with her children from vaccinations to Portugal....


One might say the imagination of para-Christian authors.

However, in a strange twist, Lucifer's militia designation has triangles, and while the 666 designation was natural to Revelation readers, the triangle in those days was not so easily predictable when in our day most denominational Christians have no clue about it or any other color.



Watch from the 20th minute, because before that there is the first part which is the familiar Catty don't go...




What else piqued my interest and brought to my attention was equipping Christians with the power to stop NWO militia attacks.


I don't know who put the script together, but either he knew a lot or he could be congratulated on his imagination, or possibly (?) the Spirit of God...


Regardless of the doping for biblicality in this video, Scripture speaks of a desert for Christians.


(6) And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God to feed her there for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
(Revelation 12:6)"

In famous visions, prophecies Slavik Kraszennikov Christians are invisible and protected in invisible villages.


I also remind you of this part of Revelation:


(10) Because you have kept my commandment to persevere with me, therefore I will also keep you in the hour of trial that will come upon the whole world to afflict the inhabitants of the earth. (11) I will come soon; keep what you have, that no one may take your crown." Rev 3


There does not have to be a rapture at all, and we can be on earth protected by God.



Updated: 7 January 2022 — 17:53


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  1. "He who does not have [the reins], let him sell his cloak and buy a sword!" (Luke 22:36).

    The "power" to stop militia attacks is Colt

    "God made men, Samuel Colt made them equal"
    S. Colt

  2. Peter, what about 1:43 ? 😉

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