Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Ivan Komarenko's Faith.

Nie mam żadnych obcych bogów, a więc z łatwością przychodzi mi zmiana nastawienia do Iwana. Dotychczas uważałem go za antysystemowca, ale on okazuje się że ma “słuszne” wyznanie jak na te czasy.

I was sent a link to his video where he shows his confession:



Zrobiłem screen, w którym jawnie pokazuje znany nam gest…..

About 1:45 shows:



Additionally, it promotes debauchery, as in the music video, a nude woman dances by the tube.

Jesus said:

” A Ja wam powiadam: Każdy, kto pożądliwie patrzy na kobietę, już się w swoim sercu dopuścił z nią cudzołóstwa.” Mt 5


That being said, I apologize to others for the few times I have portrayed Ivan as a believer. After this video, I have no illusions.


In fact, not only does much of the anti-system serve the enemy of Jesus, but even some of the pastors.

Jednak dzięki bystrej czytelniczce w tym przypadku sprawa się rypła….



Updated: 5 January 2022 — 11:53


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  1. Detective, I recommend you check out the Prime MMA Gala Conference.

    Checkerboard, triangle in the center, black and red colors. Perfidiously masonic design. I'm curious if the creators of the gala did it in order to stand out from the competition or if they really operate on the wrong side of power.

    1. thanks, I discussed it in the video

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