Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Microtechnology in the jug of the company "fajze". Patents proving advanced technology.

For obvious reasons I will not use the name of the company, which is so polonized that everyone will guess it and the jug is also known what.


The video below shows what is in the know after evaporation of the hydrogel. Magnification of 400-1400X shows the arrangement in the slide.




These things are new to us and we are only just coming to know them thanks to the mass of people in the world seeking the truth, and it is mostly paradoxically from the world of the unborn anew, and that is because the truth does not reside in the churches.

Pastors like to have good seats in the rooms and if they make videos they must have the word PASTOR on them. Just like during the communism some people had Mgr Kowalski on their door....

It is even worse with the priests of Rome. Most listen to Jesuit Bergolio and promote this technology. :To think that people remain in these churches....


How is it that such things can be found in the crannies?

Apparently, graphene particles self-organize in stabs and place by combining like Lego pieces, which then use UV or wireless radiation to self-assemble.


Some believe that one goal is to create a network of wireless communication (Thz bands) within humans, animals, plants, and even bacteria!


One more comment from the web:


The transhumans will communicate with each other over 2.4 Ghz wifi in a secret military channel option, so no one can connect to them. Then will use a unique certificate identifier that is assigned by the government and authorities as part of a green pass for encrypted communications. Transhumans won't play very strong sports because the body has to work to build cryptocurrency, so they remove the outdoor sports infrastructure in parks and put the chairs in the same place.

Normal humans can't accept 5G microwaves, so they have to mutate from human to transhuman (and then mix with animals) with graphene all over their bodies to accept this future of yours ...


This is a profanation of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which is the human body.


For the unbelievers who think that what I am tracing here, because I do not declare, is supposedly impossible I present the patens of the well-known Dr. Lieber.


Charles Lieber (62), former professor and chairman of the chemistry and chemical biology departments at Harvard University , is the world's leading scientist in the nano conductor technology  and interactions with human biology and neuroscience at the microscopic level, and inventor  50 patents in the field.

For example, he invented a transistor the size of a virus that can penetrate the membrane of a cell without disrupting its function .


Number Patent code
1 11 067 534 Multichannel nanopore detection by local electric potential measurement
2 10 436 747 Detection of nanopores by local electric potential measurement
3 10 435 817 Controlled wire growth at the nanoscale
4 10 369 255 Scaffolds composed of nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues and other applications
5 10 355 229 Scaffolding methods and systems containing nanoelectronic components
6 10 119 955 High-resolution molecular sensor
7 10 049 871 Anisotropic deposition in nanoscale conductors
8 9 903 862 Nanosensors and related technologies
9 9786850 Scaffolding methods and systems containing nanoelectronic components
10 9 702 849 Detection of nanopores by local electric potential measurement
11 9 638 717 Nanoscale sensors for intracellular and other applications
12 9 595 685 Nanoscale wires, nanoscale FET wires, and hybrid nanotube electronic devices for sensing and other applications
13 9 541 522 Nanoscale field-effect transistors for biomolecular sensors and other applications
14 9 535 063 High-sensitivity wire sensors at the nanoscale
15 9 457 128 Scaffolds composed of nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues and other applications
16 9 297 796 Curved nanowire and associated species probing
17 9 252 214 Apparatus, method and computer program for providing radial addressing of nanowires
18 9 102 521 Nanosensors and related technologies
19 9 029 836 Controlled synthesis of a monolithically integrated graphene structure
20 8 883 568 A method to provide radial addressing of nanowires
21 8 698 481 High-resolution molecular sensor
22 8 586 131 Liquid films containing nanostructured materials
23 8 575 663 High-sensitivity wire sensors at the nanoscale
24 8 471 298 Nanoscopic wireline devices and arrays
25 8 399 339 Nanosensors
26 8 232 584 Sensors at the nanoscale
27 8 178 907 Nanoscopic wired electrical memory devices and crossbar arrays
28 8 154 002 Nanoscale wired data storage
29 8 153 470 Doped extended semiconductors, the growing of such semiconductors, devices containing such semiconductors and the manufacture of such devices
30 8 072 005 Apparatus, method and computer program for providing radial addressing of nanowires
31 8058640 Branched wires at the nanoscale
32 7 956 427 Nanosensors
33 7 918 935 Transition metal oxide nanorods
34 7 915 151 Doped extended semiconductors, the growing of such semiconductors, devices containing such semiconductors and the manufacture of such devices
35 7 911 009 Nanosensors
36 7 858 965 Heterostructures of nanowires
37 7 772 543 System and method for nanowire processing using holographic optical tweezers
38 7 666 708 Doped extended semiconductors, the growing of such semiconductors, devices containing such semiconductors and the manufacture of such devices
39 7 619 290 Nanosensors
40 7 595 260 Doped extended semiconductors, the growing of such semiconductors, devices containing such semiconductors and the manufacture of such devices
41 7500,213 Array-based architecture for molecular electronics
42 7 476 596 Doped extended semiconductors, the growing of such semiconductors, devices containing such semiconductors and the manufacture of such devices
43 7 399 691 Methods for forming nanoscopic wire devices and arrays
44 7 385 267 Nanosensors
45 7 301 199 Nanoscale wires and related devices
46 7 274 208 Sublithographic programmable logic arrays based on nanoscale wires
47 7 256 466 Nanosensors
48 7 254 151 Nanoscale coherent optical components
49 7 211 464 Doped extended semiconductors, the growing of such semiconductors, devices containing such semiconductors and the manufacture of such devices
50 7 172 953 Methods for forming nanoscopic wire devices and arrays




People opposed to Jesus want to introduce transhumanism and they are not at all secretive about it.


Transhumanism - intellectual, cultural and political movement Postulating the possibility and need for the use of science and technology, particularly neurotechnology, biotechnology and nanotechnology, to overcome human limitations and improve the human condition. wikipedia




They want to make man a cyborg. This is to be a new race - Luciferas, to be ruled by Satan himself.



Man mixed with machine....


"That you saw iron mixed with clay soil means that they will mix in human offspring, but one will not stick to the other, just as iron does not mix with clay." Daniel 2:3 EIB


Only God's Word is reliable but if you reject it then you will have to rely on yourself in this dystopian world.


Ps. I ask that the globalawareness website not copy my writings without my permission....



Updated: 4 January 2022 — 16:26


Add a Comment
  1. Come, Lord Jesus!

  2. Hello brother in Christ, I myself had the opportunity to see this thing under a microscope, I have pictures. Until now I had no explanation, but after what you showed ... I can confirm that it is a real find.
    I can send you some interesting pictures (no one has seen them publicly, they are my property). You have my email if you need anything.
    With the Lord God!

  3. Thank you for a very valuable post. Transhumanism = Luciferianism. I think unfortunately not many people are able to accept this.

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