Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Solicitor Anna Kubala in a confrontation with police.

It is worth watching such films because they show how much we have ceased to care about the law since the Khazarian Bolsheviks took over Poland in 1945.

A company called the police (NWO)



I am convinced that most police officers do not know what company they work for. Just as in the Catholic Church we will find good priests, although deceived by the Vatican, so in the police we will probably find many officers with a vocation. Without the police there would be chaos.

The problem is that the police have the so-called Star of Chaos - OKTAGON - in their logo.



It is also encountered in the sport of MMA violence:






The world is ruled by the Khazarian Babylonian Talmud by stealth but they show their spheres of influence hidden in plain sight.


Poland will NEVER be recovered, but those who are not yet members of the prestigious Kingdom of Heaven can become so. It is for these that I write this type of text, to show that this world is in the power of the evil one.

Khazars are of the money religion and therefore form a group of influence in every profession.


I used to place my hopes in politics, but thanks to my extensive knowledge I know that it is not possible to recover Poland. We are under Khazarian occupation and therefore have fewer rights, but rights nonetheless.

As descendants of the Slavs we are in bondage, but biblically converted persons are free in Christ.


God's law stands not only in confrontation with earthly law. See legalization of homo marriage, abortion, tax exploitation, etc.


God's Law is Natural Law, not the law of presumed crime. A driver who drives 60km/h in a built-up area is a traffic offender after all he exceeded the speed limit by 10km/h. A healthy person is a potential sick person and has to wear a mask.


God's law punishes for hurting your neighbor.

The TORAH, with which the Khazars (a Turkic-Mongolian people, descendants of the Edomites and Canaanites) have nothing in common, imposed punishments only for accomplished crimes.


" the accuser of our brothers has been struck down,
he who day and night accuses them before our God" Rev 12


The Khazars - the Synagogue of Satan - accuse and multiply regulations that they themselves cannot fulfill.



Here's a fresh update on Kurski



Cases of double standards are numerous... Not only in Poland.



You can only prevail against this system by rejecting its pathological culture.

Just who would want to give up soccer, music, belief in politicians, HolyVoodoo movies?

It is not wrong to play sports. It is not wrong to watch uplifting movies and it is not wrong to be interested in politics or listen to peaceful music.

But if we support people who have been given success by Satan then let us not be surprised that things are bad in the world....


Praise Jesus.



Updated: 28 December 2021 — 09:04

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