Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Does covidism meet the definition of the word cult? Rapper YOBIYO reveals the illuminati contract.

I found this meme on the Internet, which I converted to Polish conditions quoting definitions from the Polish Language Dictionary.


Masks, distancing, and vaccination have already become a religious practice and as much a rite as possible.


I recorded an episode on the old channel in which I discussed masks as a Luciferian initiation.


To make this initiation clearer, I am posting below a video of a rapper who irreverently portrays the initiation of the Illuminati Order:





There is a procedure for signing (stabbing)




There is a certificate.



The masks were an initiation.




In worship there must always be the same paraphernalia that reinforces faith. In a Catholic church there is a stoup at the entrance to the center and similarly in markets there is a disinfectant.



Of course, if we are talking about this pagan cult we have been dealing with for the past year, then by all means there must be sacrifices and ....są.


The problem is that humanity is not aware of what it is participating in, or even what it is not participating in as is the case with anti-systemists.

The latter are overwhelmingly unaware that what has begun in 2020 is a prelude to Luciferianism as the one right religion.


I recall an advertisement for the largest dating site



Lucifer was walking with a girl named 2020.

Why did this commercial look like this? Well, because Satan, according to the Bible, is the father of lies and the year 2020 was the year of the beginning of the biggest lie in the history of mankind, in which even believing Christians take part.


The year 2022 when reduced to a single digit will be 6, so it will be very important to them.

There is no third option here. You are either with Jesus or on Lucifer's side. There is no third way.


"No servant no maybe serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other; or he will keep with that one, and despise that one." Luke 16.







Updated: 28 December 2021 — 21:16

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