Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

NASA hires 24 theologians to prepare Earth's religions for a future encounter with aliens.

Another example of Rome's participation in the beast system.

NASA recruits British priest to prepare monks for discovery of alien life, as space agencies say they are getting closer to discovering evidence that life exists beyond planet Earth according to BIN365.

He is one of 24 theologians tasked with how major religions will react to the news that alien life has been found.



All according to a script. They have been preparing humanity for 80 years in movies and even longer through fantasy literature.


This Christmas, or so-called "Christmas", a space telescope was launched into space  James Webb.

 It will be humanity's main space telescope above the aging Hubble Space Telescope. Officials tell us that inSoon we will be able to see corners of the universe that we could not observe before. Will we find an alien spacecraft flying in space? 

Such questions are asked by the mainstream, but we know, as he has been describing on his blog for many years, that the potential arrival of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations will be a total deception. It will be a cosmic deception that the Khazars have prepared.


There could be several options. Either they cover up the capture with the arrival of UFOs, or the aliens simply solve "our" problems....

Additionally, based on many movies, they can show us the good aliens - the fallen angels and the bad aliens - the Army of Heaven when Jesus comes.

On what basis do I believe that?


Just think back to the Transformers saga.



Of course these aliens will work with governments like Transformers.


The illuminati cards (Jesuit Khazars) show us what they were up to long ago:




This Khazarian Catholic Church must have had a hand in this deception since their telescope is called Lucifer:



Granted, its name doesn't exactly mean the word Lucifer, but one of the survey instruments included in it is the Large Binocular Telescope Near-Infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Researc.


The occultists, which include leading priests of the Vatican, like the Jesuits and illuminati, love charades, acronyms and various riddles and everything must be hidden in plain sight.


Skipping the Vatican telescope. A sister astutely noted recently that celebrities late this year are increasingly showing up surrounded by alien symbols and figurines....





Needless to say, NEW AGE anti-system stations like NTV will be more than happy to participate in the UFO promotion...


We are in for a mega tour. It's hard to say when, but I think within the next few years at most.

Perhaps the scenario will be: war, antichrist, aliens (read demons)....





Updated: 27 December 2021 — 20:29

1 Comment

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  1. 24 theologians? What a coincidence

    App 4
    4 Around the throne - twenty-four thrones,
    And on thrones twenty-four seated Elders,
    dressed in white robes,
    And on their heads golden wreaths.

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