Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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A capsule for dying has been legalized in Switzerland.


"The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that the sheep may have life-and life in abundance." John 10.



The 3D printed capsule that Switzerland has approved is a design by Dr. Philip Nitschke -. of an activist fighting for the right to euthanasia. He came up with the idea for its production in 2012.

The device is portable, so the person choosing assisted suicide can choose where it happens.


Switzerland, like the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada and Luxembourg, among others, is a country that permits assisted suicide.

It is in these countries



How does it work?


The suicide enters the death capsule and presses a button to confirm his desire to end his life. If he chooses, the capsule is filled with liquid nitrogen, after an announcement that the candidate will lose consciousness. The temperature is then lowered and the oxygen level is reduced.

Death takes a few minutes which is supposed to be an advantage.


The precursor and promoter of the death capsule is Dr. Philip Nitschke.

On April 29, 2009. Nitschke said: "We seem to demand that humans live with contempt, pain and anguish, while we are nicer to our pets when their suffering becomes too much. This is simply not logical or mature. many centuries of religious platitude."


The scientist was prosecuted by authorities in several countries for "assisting" the suicide of various sick individuals.

He is referred to in the media as "Dr. Death" or "Elon Musk of assisted suicide."




We have come to a sick time where there is a cult of death.

From metal bands to the Mexican version of Mary Santa Muerte (Lady Death) to stabbings, death worship reigns...


The book of Job tells the house of who our lives belong to:


"God gave, God took, may His name be blessed."


It is the Spirit of God who gives the breath and decides when a person should come down from this world.


I think we should pray for this neo Nitche.


Just as with the c-19 everything was depicted in the movies and planned out so too in this case.

A coin-operated death capsule appears in a cartoon from six years ago...




Hardly surprising for this programming since the Creator of The Simpsons is a Mason.

This is the clue that Matt Groening left for the people :



At a time when despair and resignation are getting to more and more people, death capsules will be popular.

For now, euthanasia is not popular, but up until a year ago, vaccines were not mandatory in bestiality (budgeting).


I'm surprised that Gates' Gateway to Hell Bill hasn't invested in such capsules, or maybe he's waiting for bribed politicians or the already UN world government to legalize euthanasia on a global level.

Let me remind you that Gates' father was a eugenicist.


The creator of the Nitschke capsule came from Australia where academics like Professor Richard Berry and growing associations like the Eugenics Society of New South Wales and Victoria (Australian states) were instrumental in organizing mass campaigns to legalize the euthanasia chamber for people they called "inferior kinds of human beings. "*


Bill Gates, of course, comes from that "better" breed, because Khazarian.


This is not the kind of thing we will see in the coming years, but it is very sad.

So once again I appeal that we pray for this scientist, that God will stop him.


God is the Lord of Life and Death, and they are playing God.


The Lord gives death and life, casts into Sheol and leads out of it. The Lord impoverishes and enriches, humiliates and exalts. (1 Sm 2:6-7)


Praise Jesus,nId,5692924#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome,rodzina-gatesow-matka-stworzyla-microsoft-ojciec-kierowal-organizacja-aborcyjna-synowi-powierzyli-szerzenie-eugeniki,2


Updated: 8 December 2021 — 17:32

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