Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Pay attention to me, my people, and listen to me, my people, for from me will come learning, and my law will become a light to the peoples

 Zwróć na mnie uwagę, mój ludu, i słuchaj mnie, mój narodzie, bo ode mnie wyjdzie nauka, a moje prawo stanie się światłem ludów” Izajasza 51.


Why is it that only now, more or less, and on average, about 40% societies (that's the percentage not stabbed) are waking up, but only to a burst of freedom?

The answer to this question is the above verse from Isaiah.

The people do not want to listen to God and do not want the Law of God to be their light.



Anti-systemists like the world heartland and freedom but not from sin.


For them the Bible is a relic and something abstract that is not worth bothering with. They think that God has not taken care of His word and has consequently manipulated it. But this is also what the stabbed think to a large extent. Moreover, some of the stabbed, in contrast to the anti-Kiddites, read God's Word, and if they were deceived, is this a sin? If so, is it unforgivable?


Praise God for all the people involved in the information warfare, because this is how people are saved and their families are spared suffering.

The question is, do they bring you to God?

Boga w tym wszystkim nie ma. On będzie tylko w smsach 24 grudnia ze zdawkowymi Wesołych Świąt” i może 25 go jak się ktoś spóźni.


Izajasz powiada “słuchaj mnie, mój narodzie”

How can you listen to God?

Without question through the Word of God. If a person speaks to another person, the other person listens to the words spoken by the speaker.

Do anti-systemicists listen to the Words of God? NO.


So what will be the consequence?


” Pan jest z wami, jeżeli wy jesteście z nim, a jeżeli go szukacie, pozwoli wam się znaleźć, lecz jeżeli go opuścicie i On was opuści.”” 2 Kronik



Zakurzona biblia, ale wyczyszczony smartphone do newsów…


God is merciful but also just.

The time of grace is ending and the day of wrath is coming.

The time of the Biblical Great Tribulation will be a time when there will be no room for standing in the middle. Each person will have to decide which side to stand on.


Some of the new ageists will expose themselves and side with the antichrist. If such a man were to be Trump, for example, most of the new age is going in blind. He will be their liberator.

They will be even more convinced if there is a UFO spectacle.


UFOs do not save. UFOs are demons, and therefore enslave.

Jesus alone saves and there is no salvation in anyone else, in any other name.


You choose which side you stand on.



Updated: 7 December 2021 — 13:35

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