Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Stock's sanitary segregation shows that we are closer to the mark of the beast than we think.

“„Firma Stock Polska dołączyła do wątpliwego grona przekonanych o słuszności swoich decyzji i wprowadziła segregację sanitarną. Najpierw był dodatkowy dzień urlopu dla tych przyjmujących preparaty na covid, następnie zwolnienie z noszenia masek dla tych z paszportami covidowymi, a teraz Mikołaj z prezentami tylko dla tej części załogi, która „zadbała” o swoje zdrowie i się zaszczepiła. Not even bothered by the fact that vaccinated workers in isolation, najważniejsze, że z paszportem” – pisze w liście jeden z pracowników zakładu Stock w Lublinie”


The system of the beast will push against the wall, pull you into a corner, and it does so either through government or through companies that may be run by Freemasonry.


In fact, I wouldn't write about this because there are more companies like this, but it is this plethora of segregation cases that makes me realize that this will not be a stretch at all.

It's not like we're going to be agonizing over strictures for 10 years.

For now, every flu season is used to end the construction of global totalitarianism.

In my opinion, it won't last like this forever. In a year two there will be electronic tattooing. I'm sure in 2022 the chip technology will accelerate.


The entire year 2022 will be a year of mega protests, during which bloody interventions are likely to occur.

People will lose their jobs. Morawieckie has already announced that there will be a compulsion in beastly (budget) juggling.

Rynek pracy dla niezadźganych się skurczy….

So something strong must come, and it will probably come in a year whose sum is the number 6.


Let us biblical believers pray for employers, government, neighbors, family and even random people.

Nie wyobrażam sobie, aby ktoś kto wierzy Słowu nie modlił się o innych…


” (12) For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the powers, against the rulers of this age of darkness, against the wicked spirits in the heavens. (13) Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to give repulse in the evil day, and after all is done, to stand firm. (14) Stand therefore, having your loins girded with truth and being clothed with the armor of righteousness, (15) And feet clad in readiness to bring the gospel of peace, (16) And in all this, raise the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the kindled arrows of the evil one. (17) I weźcie hełm zbawienia i miecz Ducha, którym jest Słowo Boże” Ef 6.


Updated: 7 December 2021 — 22:30

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  1. W 2020 roku czytałam, że firma Piątnica dyskryminuje swoich niezaszczepionych pracowników. Od tamtej pory nic od nich nie kupuję. Od Stocka też już nic nie kupię.

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