Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Does the doctrine of rapture come only from Nelson Darby?


At the outset, I would like to emphasize once again that I am not setting myself up for capture, and in this regard I will remind you of my motto:


Live financially as if the world were to exist for 50 more years, but spiritually live as if Jesus were to come tomorrow.


That's the motto I've developed for myself.


But as for theology, I support the rapture before the Tribulation because that is what the Bible tells me it is, paradoxically just as the Bible tells the opponents of this theory.


However, in this text I will address the false charge that the rapture theory was created solely by Nelsoan Darby, who was influenced by the Jesuits.


As for the Jesuits, you have to have knowledge of them first. They, like the Khazars, are on both sides of the conflicts and thus, if there was a discussion whether the earth is flat or not, I think they would be on both sides.

Just as some pastors coming out of the Jesuit Renewal in the Spirit now oppose plandemi, but the question arises, does this invalidate the credibility of the opponents of plandemi? Absolutely not.


Now let's get to the facts.


Does the doctrine of rapture come solely from Nelson Darby?


 Irenaeus of Lyon (120-202) was a pretribulationist, that is, he believed in taking away the ecclesia before the Tribulation.

Irenaeus was a disciple of Polycarp (who was a disciple of the apostle John) and expressed his eschatological views in Against Heresies , Book 5. He first referred to the translation of Henoch and the "catching" of Elijah as foreshadowing the rapture. "For Henoch, when he pleased God, was translated in the same body in which he pleased Him, thus indicating the translation of the righteous. Elijah also was raptured [while he was still] in the substance of the [natural] form; thus showing in prophecy the assumption of those who are spiritual, and that nothing prevents their bodies from being transposed and raptured." Second, Irenaeus refers to the "catching" of the Church before the Tribulation. "And that's why, when the church is finally abruptly snatched from of this , jest powiedziane: ‘Będzie ucisk, jakiego nie było od początku i którego nie będzie’ (Matthew 24:21). For this is the final battle of the righteous, in which, when they are victorious, they are crowned with spotlessness." 


Victorinus of Petrovium (d. 304) was a bishop of modern Slovenia, martyred during the reign of Diocletian. In his commentary on Revelation (6:14) he writes: "And the heavens receded like a scroll that is rolled up]. That the heavens should be drawn back means that the Church should be removed."

The firmament of the sky must have been opened specifically for the raptured, which may also be evidence that NASA CANNOT cross a certain line, over the vault.



Later, explaining Revelation 15, the bishop writes: "And I saw another great and wonderful sign, seven angels having seven final plagues; for in them the indignation of God is completed]. For the wrath of God always smiteth the obstinate people with seven plagues, that is, perfectly, as it is said in Leviticus; and these shall be the last times, when the Church shall come out of the midst."

 Therefore, Victorinus believed that The church will be raptured before the seventh seal is broken (and therefore before the judgments of the seven trumpets and the seven bowls), making it at least what we call "before wrath" in its eschatology.


In a sermon entitled "On the End Times, the Antichrist and the End of the World," Fr.father of the Syrian Pseudo-Ephraem Church (4th-6th century) wrote: "For all the saints and elect of God are gathered together before the tribulation that is to come, and they will be taken to the Lord, that they may not see the confusion that is to engulf the world because of our sins."  The congregation mentioned in Pseudo-Ephraem refers to the rapture of the Church before the Tribulation.



The influence of Origen and Augustine was successful in turning the established church into a faith in amillennialism around the fifth century.

 Amillennialists don't believe in Jesus' literal millennial reign on earthclaiming that He took dominion over the earth immediately after His resurrection and now rules the earth from heaven.


This view prevailed during the medieval period, with little known exceptions. However, one exception were the Apostolic Brothers in northern Italy. This new (and thus persecuted) church order eventually numbered in the thousands and apparently took a position of rapture against oppression. In 1316, an anonymous treatise entitled The story of Brother Dolcino articulated some of the beliefs of the apostolic brothers.  Their leader, Brother Dolcino, believed that he and his followers would be taken to heaven and protected from the actions of the Antichrist before they later descended back to earth, thus maintaining faith in the rapture before the Tribulation.


Peter Jurieu (1637-1713 )
Jurieu was "a prominent theologian and apologist for the French Reformers."
 He came to believe that Calvinists would be restored to France because His interpretation of the prophecies of Revelation." 73 In his work It's coming up
Liberation of the Church (1687) taught that "Christ will come in the air to...
snatch the saints and return to heaven before the battle of Armageddon. He said
Of the unseen rapture before His coming in glory and judgment at Armageddon." 74
John Gill (1697-1771)
Gill was a profound scholar, Calvinist theologian and Baptist pastor at Horsleydown in Southwark for over fifty years. 75 He published his Exhibition
New Testament in three volumes in 1746-48.In his commentary on 1 Tes 4:15 wrote:
An apostle with something new and unusual to share in connection with the coming of Christ, the first resurrection, the resurrection of the saints, the transformation of the living"
saints and the rapture of both rising and living in the clouds to meet Christ in the air, expresses itself thus. The dead saints will rise before the living." changed and both will be raptured together to meet the Lord].


Morgan Edwards (1722-1795) helped found Rhode Island College, which eventually became Brown University. While a student at Bristol Baptist Seminary, he presented a very clear belief that existed before the Tribulation: "The dead saints will be raised and the living changed as Christ "appears in the air." (1 Thess IV:17); and that will be about three and a half years before the millennium... But will he and they be in the air all this time? No: they will ascend to paradise or to one of those many "mansions in the Father's house" (John XIV.2) and will disappear in the time period mentioned. The purpose of this retreat and disappearance will be to judge the resurrected and changed saints."


Darby was born in the year 1800.


Słaby jest także argument mówiący o tym, że pierwsi apostołowie nie znali teorii pochwycenia. Dlaczego? Ano dlatego, że ci sami pierwsi budowniczowie Królestwa Niebieskiego, byli święcie przekonani, że Jezus przyjdzie za ich czasów…

Jak mogli się mylić? …a jednak.

If they were wrong about that, then they may not have had cognition about the rapture either. God did not have to reveal it to them, and that is because it was not that time.



“A ty, Danielu trzymaj w tajemnicy [te] słowa, zapieczętuj księgę until the end of time. Many will seek and cognition will increase.”

Daniel 12:4

It is only in the end times that cognition will increase that this happens.


Another weak argument is based on the fact that Christians have had to go through much tribulation.

If we are to compare ourselves to the apostles, then all Christians now should suffer just like Christians in Muslim countries. If they are not beaten or killed, they will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Absurd!



Oglądałem niedawno pewien film o Wielkim Ucisku pewnego pastora… Nie będę robił mu złej marki.

I believe that those engaged in rapture theory lack humility.

I do not claim to be 100% right. I even assume that I may be wrong, but I congratulate these confident interpreters.


Jeśli chrześcijanie muszą zginąć śmiercią męczeńską aby być zbawionymi, to oznacza, że Ci, którzy umarli rok temu nie będą zbawieni. Po prostu pechowcy….


Ktoś zada pytanie: to kim są ci, którzy przychodzą w Wielkiego Ucisku? Odpowiadam: to są nawróceni podczas Ucisku…




Z drugiej strony polecam nie absorbować się pochwyceniem a raczej  uświęceniem. Jest masa osób czekających na pochwycenie i tacy byli już dekady temu i już ich nie ma pośród nas a pochwycenia nie było…






Michael F. Bird, Evangelical theology (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2013), 300.

  Larry V. Crutchfield, "Blessed Hope and Tribulation in the Apostolic Fathers," in Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy, editors, When the Trumpet Sounds (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1995), 88-101.

  J. Barton Payne, The imminent appearance of Christ (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1962), p. 102.

 Ireneus, Against heresies , 5:5.


 Victorinus, Commentary on the Apocalypse of Blessed John , 6.14.


  Paul J. Alexander, The Byzantine Apocalyptic Tradition (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1985), p. 210.

 Francis Gumerlock, "A Rapture Citation in the 14th Century," in Bibliotheca Sacra (vol. 159, no. 635; July-September 2002), 349-362.

  William Watson, Dispensationalism before Darby (Silverton, OR: Lampion Press, 2015), p. 177.

  William Sherwin, Eirenikon: or a peaceful consideration of Christ's peaceful kingdom on earth (Ex. 1665), 40-43.


Updated: 6 December 2021 — 22:02


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  1. And isn't the rapture intended to take only the 144,000 people of the chosen people as priests in the New Jerusalem ?
    What about the rest of the Israelites ?

    1. Some separate the raptured 144,000 into Israelites by origin and saints. I believe the 144,000 are the raptured saints called Israelites. How do you know if you don't have Israelite descent in your lineage when they were dispersed in 600 BC?

  2. Among Poles probably the majority, because when you read the descriptions in the Bible about the character traits of the Israelites for example, it comes to my mind that we are the exquisite Poles. What worries me is how God will classify His people, since we are not genetically pure in 100TP1T and a large part of us have an admixture of Ashkenazi. There is also the question of the VMAT2 gene. And also the question if 144 thousand is a literal number of people?

  3. Bardzo ciekawy artykuł i tyle informacji! Dziękuję serdecznie za Twoja pracę.

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