Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

An engagement solar eclipse.

Could it be that Jesus is giving an engagement ring to his bride?


 There was a visible total solar eclipse in Antarctica. This is an unusual situation, as there has been a long polar day there since October, which will not end until April. However, the polar day was interrupted for 2 minutes when the Moon, during its wandering, came directly in front of the Sun, covering it.

Antarctica has been engulfed in complete darkness. Other places where it will be possible to see the change in daylight are the southern reaches of South America, Africa and Australia and New Zealand. However, only a partial eclipse will be visible there.



Some psychic or clairvoyant said that something will happen between the lunar and solar eclipse and yet nothing happened, but to me this solar eclipse looks like Jesus' engagement ring for his bride.

Być może w tym miesiącu lub następnym, od Nowego Roku coś się skończy a coś zacznie…

A volcano in Indonesia also erupted today.



Praise Jesus, for it will all be over soon.




Updated: 4 December 2021 — 18:03


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  1. No właśnie Detektywie jakie masz zdanie na temat terminu „pochwycenia” ? Istnieją trzy teorie
    1. before compression
    2. in the middle
    3. at the end

    The second point , is God will bring His people from the four corners of the world to the original dwelling place of Israel and they will live there 1000 years in peace with Jesus until the final battle with Satan .

    How do we understand all this in the context of the rapture and people who will give their lives for Christ by refusing to accept the mark of the beast?

    Will the New Jerusalem come down from heaven with those raptured and beheaded who testified for Jesus?

    If Jesus is to reign 1000 years in Israel with the chosen people, where will the rest of the people come from who will live outside and who, together with Satan, will want to attack the chosen people if those who receive the seal of the beast are to be condemned?

    I apologize in advance , but I wrote this in my own words without specific references from the Bible .

    1. moje poznanie jest takie, że pochwycenie będzie przed uciskiem, a skąd się wezmą ” ludzi którzy będą mieszkać poza którzy w raz z szatanem będą chcieli napaść naród wybrany”?
      Perhaps those who are now anti-system haters and current illuminati stooges.

  2. So if the rapture occurs before the tribulation and the antichrist revelation , then we can expect it probably by 2023 . I am just wondering what this 2024 and so called reset is all about ?

  3. Since ancient times solar and lunar eclipses have been associated with volcanic eruptions, the same is true for conjunction of celestial spheres above the earth, if they are in alignment with the earth relative to the sun they can trigger catastrophic earthquakes, if you combine the series of solar eclipses (2025-2027) with an extremely unfavorable alignment of planets in 2025, I advise you to slowly get ready for a little APO 🙂

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