Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Greater love has no man than this, than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Catholicism taught me that God is far away and is like a principal.

Through Catholicism I never got to know Jesus, and it turns out he is my best friend.



"Greater love hath no man than this, than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15


Has anyone ever given their life for you?

Probably in some indirect way, yes. Maybe a parent sacrificed to raise you, maybe a friend risked their good reputation by defending you.


I often marvel at God that He wants to save us. Us miserable sinners who are often no good to others or to God after praying or reading Scripture.

Many of us would give ourselves such relationships.

Recently a brother of mine in the faith was rejected by a certain group in Krakow. I don't know if it was right or wrong. The important thing is that Jesus did not reject him.


 You are my friends if you do what I command you. (15) I no longer call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father." John 15


Someone may accuse Jesus of conditionality. But don't we expect our friends to behave well?

You can't be friends with Jesus for a while: read the Word a little at first, pray a little, change a little, and after a while drop those relationships and call on Jesus.


I recently started a forum for a small group. For those I know who have not disappointed me. Occasionally someone writes that they would like to be there too. But I don't know him in any way.


Jesus also desires an ongoing relationship that is characterized by permanence, and permanence in turn is manifested in abiding in His Word.

Of course sometimes someone may not have the time, there are ups and downs in friendship, but true friendship is as lasting as a house on a rock.


The next verse in chapter 15 speaks of election:


 (16) You did not choose me, but I chose you and predestined you, that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should be lasting, that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give you. 


Many think that God chose us. This is not true. God is so strongly drawn to us because of His mercy and justice that we long to be around someone like that.

Jesus chose us, but the context of this 16th verse says He chose us for something: "I have chosen you and predestined you to go and bear fruit, and that your fruit may be lasting."


Jesus chose us to bear fruit.

Soon there will be a so-called Santa Claus. Anyone who takes part in this lie is not a friend of Jesus because:


"Adulterers, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? If, therefore, anyone would intend to be a friend of the world, he becomes an enemy of God."



You only have to look at TV commercials to see that this is God's custom, and if so, friends don't deal with each other like that, they don't betray each other.


I very much understand parents and their children expecting gifts just like any other child.

However, I have passed on the patent to you several times. You simply give your children gifts on those days and say that it is from Jesus Christ who blesses you.


Do you know what the tragedy of Judas is? In the fact that, willing to give silver, he was rejected by the priests.

If only he had come to Jesus apologizing to him, he would have been saved.


"Greater love hath no man than this, than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15


The word used here as life from the Greek "psychēn" means soul.


Jesus, with all his mind, with all his soul, so loved poor and lost humanity that he decided to come to earth, set the teaching of the Torah (instructions) straight, and give his earthly life for sinners.

His life was focused only on saving people. That is why His name is GOD SAVES, or God saves.


Maybe you are overwhelmed by the situation in the world right now, maybe the world is falling apart for you, someone in your family is dying, your marriage is falling apart, you are being fired from your job. If so, know that Jesus is giving you a hand right now.

GOD also SAVES from the lies of this plandemic and gives hope for a happy ending.

God wants only good for us.

Even before I knew God, a secular and even probably left-wing author's book "On the Art of Love" fell into my hand.


I once wrote about this. Although the author is right, I don't know of a better practical book on love outside of the Bible of course. The average reader would have to filter some things out for themselves from that position.


Based on this position, I detail to those willing to work on themselves the necessary practical tasks to be done in love:




To be able to concentrate is, above all, to be able to listen. Most people listen to others and even give them advice, but by not listening they are not really taking the other person's words or their own answers seriously.

Concentration is what people who love each other should do first and foremost. They must learn to be close to each other without being distracted in many directions at the same time.

Sensing yourself. Anyone who drives a car can sense it. He can sense even a small abnormal knock or the slightest difference when turning on the engine. An example of sensing and sensitivity of another human being can be found in the parent-child relationship. He or she notices the child's bodily changes, demands, and anxieties before they even become apparent. Are you focusing on your partner?

Full Commitment.

A necessary condition for mastering an art is to be fully engaged in working on it. If this art does not become the most important thing for a student, he will never master it. For any art you often have to devote your whole life. No commitment, no love



Without patience you will achieve nothing. If you want to achieve quick results, you will never master the art.


Fromm himself, as part of this system said: our whole system favors the opposite: rush.

Jesus had to show quite a bit of patience in His love toward the impulsive Peter, the distrustful Thomas. He was patient to the end.

We have loved ones. What a stain we made at the beginning of our journey in learning the truth. We showed them our majority instead of caring about their salvation, showing compassion, appreciating them for what they are good at. We have acted as Satan's accuser.


The fear of love.

To love means to entrust oneself to someone without reserve, to give oneself totally in the hope that our love will evoke the love of the person we love. Love is an act of faith: anyone who has little faith has little love.


Some people are afraid of love, and it requires total devotion.

Love is an art, and art requires craft, not religious precepts and prohibitions.



Good Sabbath in Jesus Christ.











Updated: 3 December 2021 — 19:55

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  1. Jeju, very touching text, thank you so much. May the Lord Jesus Christ guide you, despite everything.

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