Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Government Security Center reported today on what to do during a Blackout!

Austria, Germany and Switzerland are now followed by Poland publishing information on what to do during a Blackout:



Why is the government suddenly announcing a deadline that most Poles have no idea about?

I understand that a candle or flashlight will be needed in the event of a short-term power outage, but for what purpose should we have a first aid kit or documents prepared?

OK, suppose someone in the dark might trip and a first aid kit is necessary.

However, I have no explanation for the food supply....


Something hangs in the air and I've written about it several times, that something is coming to an end, something is ahead of us....


The announcement of war is already such a standard, we're so used to it that I don't think anyone pays much attention to what's happening in Ukraine anymore....


In fact, it could be something else than war. For example, some sort of re-enactment with UFOs etc....


What if they're up to something again and once it happens they say, "we warned you after all..."


Let's watch the people of influence, their behavior. They know what will happen.


The rebuffed few stabbed each other and probably some scenario in store.

I don't think the German and Austrian governments reported Blackout for no reason.





Updated: 2 December 2021 — 21:22

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