Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"I took the vaccine and I'm recovering from congestion and lung lesions, but I'm going to keep getting vaccinated until I do," she said.

Perhaps this is a satire of the stabby mentality, but even if so, it reflects the state of many stabbies. I am sorry that people are being lied to. I do my best to make sure they are not, but many are simply resistant to the truth. I don't yet know what this is due to. After all, some of the unstabbed are people with an anti-Christ mentality, and some of the unstabbed are people full of love.

Perhaps the explanation is the sin of submission to authority figures and television idolatry, but I still feel sorry for these people.



Some of them are religious cowards, full of obstinacy, pride and evil, and some are deceived people....


What's on the screengrab is so unbelievable that I decided to transcribe it (I don't have a link to the original), among other reasons, so that people with weaker eyesight and not very internet savvy will familiarize themselves with this sorry absurdity.


A certain Joan:

"I am also in favor of vaccines, I have already taken two doses, after the first one a small congestion, but I recovered quickly, after the second one I got covidium, I fought for a month, I ended up with lung lesions, for the third one I am enrolled. I'm going to vaccinate until I do.

I know people get heart attacks, paralysis and other various illnesses from them, but maybe after one, I'll finally feel good and not get sick."


As my response to this post I am pasting once again a screen shot from a video by illuminati Bille Eilish:



I consciously captured that moment where the word "end" appeared.

This is what the end of anyone repeatedly stabbed will look like.


Just seek wisdom and don't trust man.

Just read the Bible, and while many non-stabbers do not read the Bible, they follow the Word when it comes to stabbing.


(20) Wisdom cries out loud in the streets, in the squares it raises its voice,
(Proverbs 1:20)

(13) Blessed is the man who has found wisdom; the husbandman who has gained understanding;
(Proverbs 3:13)

(1) My son, pay attention to my wisdom; prick your ear to my prudence,
(Proverbs 5:1)


The most important warning, however, is below:


(5) Thus says the LORD: Cursed is the man who relies on man and makes the flesh his support, and turns his heart away from the LORD!
(Jeremiah 17:5)


If someone believes another person uncritically and does not confront this with God's Word, he condemns himself to many problems including the worst one - death.




Updated: 28 November 2021 — 10:27


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  1. And I know for sure: all the media are to blame, they swarm almost exclusively with bad news, and not only "covidian" news. I don't find anything comforting in them... However, I know that it is intentional... Why, for example, on Sunday, a family day, organize political debates in which even a journalist is not allowed to speak?
    It used to be that instead of that there were "family" movies or nature films, positive stories for children and thanks to that the mood was also positive. I don't watch TV, I don't listen to the radio either, I prefer to watch animal videos and look at vacation pictures. I suggest the same... I wish everyone a lot of positivity and peace:), don't let panic and directed fear. Warm greetings, thanking the author of the text and wishing him the power of perseverance:):)

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