Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A syringe-shaped nativity scene was erected in Taiwan's capital city. Luciferianism is gaining strength.

An incredible profanity and blasphemy occurred in Taiwan's capital city of Taj Pej.



Above the syringe is a cross. Indeed it is an ordeal caused by Satan's men.


Deputy Director of the Polish Office in Taipei, Taiwan Bartosz Ryś shows a syringe-shaped Christmas nativity scene in a tweet:



He wrote;


"Christmas nativity scene in front of a church in Taipei in the shape of a syringe. On the right is the vaccine for COVID, and the baby Jesus is holding a syringe in his hands. It is thanks in part to the donation of 400,000 vaccines from Poland that the vaccination rate in Taiwan has clearly accelerated....


Catholicism does not know the word profane because in this church no one understands the word holy. The church itself is a combination of paganism and Christianity and that is why such flowers take place....


A snake-shaped audience hall at the Vatican:

The demonic altar for Benedict:


An occult nativity scene at the Vatican:


And then there's the German magazine whose cover didn't outrage Catholics at all. Three kings with a gift of a vaccine:



As someone wrote in the comments, the vaccine is an object of worship and belief in it. This is true.

This is actually a violation of the first commandment:


"You shall have no other gods before me." Ex. 20


If a vaccine and, on top of that, its image stands in place of God, then we are dealing with a violation of two commandments:


"You shall not make for yourself a graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or of those things that are in the waters under the earth. 5You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. I am the LORD your God, strong, envious, punishing the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me; 6and doing mercy to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments." Ex. 20


It is well known that Catholics bow down before nativity scenes.



The Roman Church is the cause of all evil on earth. It is a terrible religion, full of impurity and with a record of crimes: the Inquisition, the Crusades, pedophilia.


You send me a speech by some nun who sees something in the Catholic Church and denies some of the clergy's attitudes, or a Trump doctor who never saw a problem with autism and other things, or an Orthodox pop with a Maltese cross on his robe.


Catholics want to be with one foot in lies and profanity and the other with God, but Scripture is clear on this situation:


"No servant can serve two masters. For he shall either hate the one, and love the other; or he shall keep with that one, and despise that one." Luke 16



 The God who created the world and everything in it, He who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples built by human hands 25 and does not take service from human hands as if he needed something, for he himself gives life and breath and everything to everyone. Acts 17


If someone sees this evil, these blasphemies, and pretends to be a fool that it's just people, that it's just part of the church, then they have already lost their salvation.

He is already on the side of evil, for even by his attitude he authorizes evil.


One dreads to think what a nativity scene will be created in the Vatican!


Jesus in Revelation says to Catholics:


"My people, come out of her2,
that you may not share in her sins
And none of its plagues have they suffered:
For her sins have accrued - all the way to heaven,
and God remembered her crimes.
Repay her as she has repaid,
And for her deeds render double:
In the cup in which she made wine, a double division for her!
How much fame and glamour she achieved,
so much torment and sorrow inflict upon her! Rev 18



The priests of Rome by being stuck in this church though disagreeing with it are committing a sin against God because the church, the institution and the building are more important to them than God and His Law.

Likewise the believer. Two masters cannot be served.

Not to mention many unbiblical doctrines like Marian devotion, sacraments, etc.


I and many of my friends in Christ have come out of this disgusting institution. I wish you such courage and above all consistency.





Updated: 28 November 2021 — 09:25

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