Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Died Suddenly-21 Wholesale.

So far I have been posting individual cases of NAGLE-21. However, there is so much of it that I will have to post in bulk.

Sad, but we're flying:


Grażyna Socha,nie-zyje-grazyna-socha-radna-powiatu-jaroslawskiego

Riuler de Oliveira Faustino


Do you know why they are now scaring up new variants?

To cover up NAGLE-21.


The most sad thing about all this is that people will believe the lies....


Interestingly Facebook with this type of information, although there is no magic password informs you to go to the information center nt c 1 9

He most likely recognizes such information as threatening to the common lie.


I believe there will simply be a plague of death in the coming weeks.



Updated: 7 December 2021 — 13:18


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  1. "Do you know why they're scaring up new variants now?
    To cover up NAGLE-21"

    BINGO !!!

    And for these sudden deaths they will charge the unstabbed .

  2. Or... What will cover everything up? The war, unfortunately. History hasn't changed

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