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First lawsuit for post-prandial complications.



People waited a very long time anyway. I'm really strongly surprised.


A Krakow law firm intends to sue the State Treasury for complications after a COVID-19 vaccination, Radio Zet reports. According to the station, this is the first such lawsuit in Poland. The wronged party is Mrs Agata, who, a few days after receiving the second dose of the vaccine, was paralysed from the waist down.


"She spent more than two weeks in the hospital, doctors diagnosed her with myelitis, most likely caused by an early post-vaccination reaction," - attorney Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka told Radio Zet.

According to counsel, the Ministry of Health was informed of the case, but denied coverage for rehabilitation.,pozew-za-powiklania-po-szczepieniu-covid-19.html



They refused because others would and will follow the same path. Now by this precedent, Pandora's box has been opened.

There were probably hundreds of such complications and all covered up by the state, by doctors, by the media.


What are the names of people who hurt or kill someone?


On the other hand, maybe Poles will start to fight for their own and not trust someone who wants to do them harm.





Updated: 27 November 2021 — 21:58

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