Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Former Facebook manager warns against Metaverse.

In discussing and describing the topic of Metavers, I talked about the potential dangers of this technology intended to replace the Internet.

Now a former Facebook executive is warning about augmented reality technology.


Metawers is the internet in three-dimensional space, so you no longer look at the screen of your computer or smartphone, but enter   into the middle of a virtual environment.


Do you remember the Mind Reaper? Of course, that's not the only movie with their set.




Coexistence in the metaverse in Reaper of Minds:



In the movie with Sylvik Stallone "Demolition Man" was similar, Sandra Bullock proposed Stallone coexist , but with VR glasses:


If you think it will be out of your lifetime you are sorely mistaken.




Metawers is expected to enable virtual meetings on a new level using a special set of headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps or other devices.

The former Facebook executive said that such an immersive virtual environment is "extremely addictive" and people are "encouraged to disconnect from the reality that we really live in." The term "metaverse" was coined by science fiction novelist Neal Stephenson in 1992.According to Haugen in the book, "people used it (metaverse) to desensitize themselves when their lives were unbearable."

drew attention to the dangers of the development of the metaverse, primarily related to the protection of private information. If the head of a company decides to use a metaverse, there will be an increase in the amount of employee personal information processed. Haugen also mentioned concerns about the need to install sensors in homes and workplaces to enable this new virtual reality.

Haugen believes Facebook's algorithms promote online heckling and extremism and fail to protect young people from harmful content, and the company lacks the motivation to fix these problems.


The man after the stabbings and still in the near future with his brain connected to the computer, will be a nasty copy of the new Adam according to Lucifer.


In 2013 we already had with almost all the details given what we are a step away from. "Transcendence" is consciousness transferred to virtual reality.


Only crumbs of humanity are aware where all this is going and that the world is ruled by people who are against God. The people under the pentagram




Updated: 10 November 2021 — 08:51

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  1. This is some crazy idea-living in a digital space 🙁 This is a great deception. Let's stick to God's word 🙂 That's how we'll get through anything 🙂

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