Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Does the latest cover of the Rothschilds' magazine, The Economist, prophesy a crash on November 5?

A few people sent me the cover as below, but I actually saw it for the first time just from them.


Apparently it was discussed by some jutubers I don't know, although I haven't seen any interpretation...


I don't know if there is an occult message there or not, but I know one thing on 100%; The Rothschilds are shareholders in The Economist for decades and consider themselves the guardians of the magazine's legacy. As owners, they can place hidden messages in their magazine and the question is, is that the case here?


On the cover we have the rabbit hole from "Alice in Wonderland."


The Rabbit Hole is such a magical place that Alice falls into, which illustrates a person's insight into himself in the process of sleep....

I might not have been interested in the cover if not for a few facts. First, there is a snake near the burrow. Second, Alice is showing a horns gesture. Maybe not quite visible, but it is a horns gesture. Many people from the world of media, or five-pointed stars, use just such a subtle way. Among others, a well-known jutuber from the Crew:




The fact that currency symbols are going down the rabbit hole can be explained from an economic point of view as well, but taken as a whole, we are rather in for a crash. The fact that there will be a crash is known to everyone. The question is when?


A detail from the photo was brought to my attention. Well, on the rabbit's watch it is 11:05.

Apparently, some people have seen a date in this. Maybe it will and maybe it won't.

As an experienced blogger with 10 years of experience, I've been through a lot of dates. Some were meaningful, worked out like 9/11 in probably The Simpsons, others were misleading like September 23, 2017 (everyone expected a capture or at least a meteorite, and here the Pope of Rome made his mark on Congress), and there were some that were a sham.

That's why I keep my distance from dates. Who knows...what will happen on 5.11.2021. Generally, even if something happens, we have little influence. Those who observe what is happening on the Polish-Belarusian border are preparing anyway.


All right, but what could these bitcoins, dollars and other cryptos falling into the burrow mean?

If they fall into the burrow, it means that money will never be what it was again. Everything will be under Khazarian/Islamic control. I pity those who believe in Bitcoins and not in Jesus Christ the only Savior. I know there is money to be made on Bitcoin and its exchange rate is optimistic. However, believing in independence from state-corporations is just a matrix....

I have been preaching for years that Bitcoins were meant to pave the way for cashless trading. Also, in what you put your faith, there you will have your burrow.


We said to each other that Alice's entrance into the rabbit hole symbolizes a person's penetration into himself in the dream phase....

Assuming there will be a money crash, perhaps parallel to the war many will come to know themselves. They will enter areas of their own psyche that they did not know.

I'm reminded of a certain prophecy by an evangelical, I can't remember where I posted it, but there were several trials in it. The first one in 2020 was about health. Some people failed the test; out of fear of losing their health, they accepted stabbings.

The final test, of course, will be to accept the mark of the beast which will involve rejecting Jesus.

Whereas the next test even before the sign will be money. This is how I see it.


By all accounts, most of society is in a slumbering phase. Including the new age anti-systemists and Catholics. They think naively behind these agent leaders that it will still be good. They would rather listen to Jackowski than Bible prophecies.

All those teaching about vibrations, auras, ufo's, are under the influence of demons and some are just agents to draw away from God, from Jesus Christ and the book of Revelation.

Who you believe is where you will land.


Description from wikipedia:


Alice, running through the forest, notices a deep hole, looks into it and falls into a magical land. However, it turns out that Wonderland has also changed. In her absence The Red Queen has consolidated her power and continues to rule with a strong hand; she is also in control of the dragon Froggy. The now classic White Rabbit, on the other hand, is still in a hurry thinking he is long overdue.


One reader sent me a mirror image of this cover:



It has been brought to my attention that there is a monster in the middle watching over the situation.

It doesn't stop there.


As I mentioned similarly on the rabbit's watch it is 11.05.


It just so happens that in the movie "V for vendetta" falls the slogan "remember the fifth of november".

What it means. The script of V for Vendetta was based on real events that took place  November 5 1605.


I don't know if anything will happen that day, or if there will just be a Guy Fawkes puppet burning celebration like every year.....


Knowing the history of Catholicism (most jutubers are Catholic)

and the vindictive Khazarian Jesuits (Guy Fawkes was controlled by the Jesuits: his cousin, Richard Cowling, became a Jesuit priest, and the Jesuit Oswald Tesimond was a schoolmate) it is highly possible that something may happen that day, although I would not particularly set my sights on it, because it is a totolot and you can only ridicule yourself.


Guy Fawkes fought on the side of Catholic Spain against the Dutch Calvinists. He traveled throughout Spain in search of support for the Catholic rebellion in England.


Nov. 5 story.

Wintour introduced Fawkes to Robert Catesby, who planned to make assassination protestant King James I and restore a Catholic monarch to the throne. The conspirators leased the crypt under the House of Lords and made Fawkes responsible for guarding the gunpowder that was stored in the vaults. On the night of November 5, Fawkes was apprehended by authorities who, alerted by an anonymous letter warning of the danger, they searched the Palace of Westminster.


One of the most reliable bibles King James Bible is the place where God has chosen to keep His word, and Guy Fawkes and the Jewish Jesuits they never had a chance to stop him from printing, and so they had to kill him.

The gunpowder conspiracy failed.


However, what Guy failed to do Rothschilds.

In order to make an invasion, they hired Oliver Cromwell to assassinate King Charles I and make England favorable to Khazarian banking.


This gave rise to the English Civil Wars, which raged for nearly a decade, resulting in the deaths of the king and members of his family, as well as hundreds of true English nobility.

Thus the City of London was established as the banking capital of Europe and gave rise to the British Empire.


Now they can do an act of revenge on October 5, but they don't have to. They are fond of dates. Similarly, 11.09 was revenge for the invasion of the ancestors of the Khazars - the Edomites of the year 70 in Jerusalem, when the Roman army completely destroyed Jerusalem while fulfilling the prophetic words of Jesus Christ.


Let us not be afraid. All in the hands of our Loving God.

He is above Jesuitism and Catholicism and false Protestantism.




My blog is an alternative to the systemic and anti-systemic but unbiblical new age media.


For about 10 years I have been growing in the knowledge of God's Law and based on this Law I relate reality. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which humanity is already experiencing with "plandia", which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.


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Updated: 29 October 2021 — 22:00

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