Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Biskup Vigano: „Ofiary szczepionki składane są w ofierze na ołtarzu Molocha” „„pandemiczny Sanhedryn” kręci „labiryntem” kłamstw COVID”.

Archbishop Vigano is the Korwin Mikke of the church of Rome. He gives vent to the angry emotions of Catholics unhappy with Rome's participation in the global conspiracy against humanity.


Vigano stated: "Vaccine and abortion victims are sacrificed at the altar of Moloch.


True, Vigano is right, but how many children have been victims of pedophilia among priests?


Further Vigano speaks like an anti-system.


He warns of the coming evil of the tyranny of climate change.

He calls out the Pope, the Great Reset, the Jesuits, the vaccine criminals, the election thieves, the Freemasons and their war on humanity. And he warns of the Mark of the Beast transmitted by mRNA Vax.



Dr. Robert Moynihan recently interviewed the notorious Italian Archbishop Carlos Maria Viganò about current events in the Catholic Church.

Archbishop Vigano:

It seems clear to me now that we are facing a siege on both the social and religious fronts. The so-called pandemic emergency has been used as a false pretext for the simultaneous and coordinated imposition of vaccination and the Green Pass in many nations of the world... Support them in this wicked plan and even go so far as to condemn those who do Not to accept being vaccinated with an experimental gene serum, with unknown side effects, that gives no immunity to the virus, let alone the moral implications of the presence of genetic material from aborted fetuses, which for a Catholic is more than enough reason to reject the vaccine. We are in the midst of a war that is not openly declared, that is not fought with conventional weapons, but is a war nonetheless....

The alliance is not between the state and the church. But it is between the hidden state (deep state) and the deep church.

And Archbishop Vigano went on to say that the ruling elite are able to manipulate the vote to their advantage. "They present themselves as representatives of the people, but in reality they work against the people. No restrictions, no limitations either from above, because they have annulled the divine origin of the power of those who rule, nor from below, because they do not allow the citizens to elect their own representatives unless they are sure they can manipulate the vote to their own advantage."




Interestingly, Vigano also said:


'Pandemic Sanhedrin' spins 'maze' of COVID lies


No one bans him, he's still a bishop.

He talks about it all in an interesting way, no less:


Because it IS a labyrinth. A tangle of pseudo-scientific affirmations, logical contradictions, apodictic proclamations, dogmas preached by the new COVID priests, by the pandemic Sanhedrin.

There is nothing consistent or rational about what we are told, and it is in the belief that what we are told makes sense that we go further and further into the maze. "Let's get vaccinated to save the weak and elderly who cannot be vaccinated," they told us while vaccinating the weak and elderly. "Let's get vaccinated so we can take off our masks and start living again," and soon after, we discovered that not only should we wear masks, but that one dose of serum is no longer enough, or even two, or maybe not even three.

Meanwhile, frail and elderly people die from COVID even after a double dose, and if they survive, it's because in hospitals - deny me if you can - for a time, patients with COVID were given azithromycin, making it look like a treatment against intestinal parasitesbut knowing full well that it is used against a virus. Not to undermine the credibility of vaccines, and certainly not for the health of patients.

We need to get out of this maze, dear friends. But we can't get out of it simply by protesting the green pass, which is only the latest tool of repression and certainly not the last. Of course: the green pass is a legal aberration, a hateful blackmail, evidence of a pretext for pandemic alarm; but if we also revoke the green pass, it will remain absurd to consider a curable virus that has not caused more deaths than in the last few years; the absurdity of wearing masks that are not only useless - as the "experts" admit - but, on the contrary, cause serious lung diseases and brain pathologies; the absurdity of treating a "vaccine" as a drug that does not serve the purpose of immunization and that turns out to have such serious side effects, overcoming the mortality rate of all vaccines in the last ten years within just a few months of administration; The absurdity of allowing us to be vaccinated with an experimental drug that acts on our DNA, making us genetically modified organisms; the absurdity of following instructions and protocols that seem to be written by sorcerers rather than conscientious doctors, given the series of counter-orders that have now reached the pathetic.


Unfortunately Mary is interjected at the end and how:


Mine are not apocalyptic words - as some say - but a stern warning, as a Pastor, to return to God, to recognize that where Christ the King and Mary the Queen do not reign, the cruel and ruthless tyranny of the devil reigns, who promises universal brotherhood, while he only wants your destruction on earth and eternal damnation.


Archbishop Vigano has been watching for several years.

3 April 1989 Viganò was appointed by John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla - Kaatz) Vatican observer at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.....

An incomplete truth is an incomplete truth, and that goes for every Catholic representative. The Vatican promotes vaccination, and somehow you don't see a mass abandonment of priestly vestments by priests....



Finally. Vigano wrote a letter to Trump last year. Here is an excerpt from it:


„Panie Prezydencie, jasno powiedział pan, że chce pan bronić narodu – jednego narodu pod władzą Boga, podstawowych wolności i niepodlegających dyskusji wartości, które są dziś odrzucane i zwalczane. To Ty, drogi Prezydencie, jesteś „tym, który sprzeciwia się” głębokiemu stanowi, ostatecznemu atakowi dzieci ciemności.”

Archbishop Vigano to Trump once again


Could this be the false prophet of the antichrist? Time will tell





Updated: 25 October 2021 — 21:26

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