Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Slovenian brothers don't let themselves be blown away.... so much. Mega protests.

I remember about a month ago judging the Slovenians as passive people. I was wrong.


"Thousands of people protested Tuesday in Slovenia's capital, Ljubljana, against pandemic restrictions and government health policies. Police used tear gas and water cannons against the demonstrators, according to Slovenia's STA news agency.
"We demand the resignation of the government because citizens no longer trust it," one of the protest organizers told AFP news agency.,slowenia-demonstracja-restrykcje-pandemiczne-starcia-policja.html


Every nation in the world should know that the state acts against the interest of the nation. The Khazarian clique has created a hidden world government.


It doesn't matter whether it is Slovenia or Poland or England. There is no rule of the people anywhere.


In Slovenia a week ago about 10,000 people protested in Ljubljana against covid passports in Slovenia. At that time also NWO police used tear gas and water cannons against the demonstrators.


In Poland, barely a few thousand as far as I remember came out onto the streets. Everybody likes it the way it is...


This is the perfect time to wake up and get out of Catholicism or Babylon.


And he cried out with a loud voice: Fallen, fallen is Great Babylon, and it has become a habitation of demons and a refuge of every unclean spirit and a refuge of every fowl that is unclean and foul. (3) For all the nations drank of the wine of his mad debauchery, and the kings of the earth practiced fornication with him, and the merchants of the earth became rich from his great splendor. (4) And I heard another voice from heaven saying: Come out of him, my people, that you may not be partakers of his sins, and that you may not be affected by the plagues that fall upon him(5) For up to heaven his sins have reached, and God has remembered his iniquities. Rev 18


In Slovenia there are 10% declared atheists, only 57% Catholics and 0,8% Protestants. In Poland there are 0,3 % Protestants.


The autumn of the Middle Ages is just beginning in Europe.

This is the Khazarian/Vatican occupation.



Updated: 6 October 2021 — 21:49

1 Comment

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  1. Piotr Politowicz

    If the militia uses cannons, gas or smoothbore it means one thing: the protest was not a sham.
    An example of controlled protests: Katowice, Poznan even Warsaw and recently Karpacz.
    I was passing by Golebiewski on the day of "Polish Davos". A few policemen. Summer uniforms. Smiles on their faces directed at the picket.
    The gut reveals a lot.
    Australia is the best example. Now the Slovenians.

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