Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A former Pfizer employee warns that Pfizer's vaccine increases COVID by more than 300%.


Former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston exposes her former employer. Kingston is currently a pharmaceutical marketing expert and biotech analyst. When she reviewed the full FDA approval of COMIRNATA, she found blatant fraud in Pfizer's clinical trials.


FDA approves Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine even though it increases infection by 300 percent


Kingston presented the briefing paper From the September 17, 2021 FDA advisory committee meeting. The title of the document reads: "License application for a booster dose for COMIRNATA (COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA)". 

The document includes clinical studies conducted by Pfizer. These studies track the durability of the immunity offered by the COMIRNATY vaccine and compare it to the immunity observed in unvaccinated individuals.

"If you get the Pfizer vaccine, you're more likely to get COVID," he said., said Kingston, "So when they were not vaccinated, their infection rate was 1.3% and when they were vaccinated it was 4.34%. It increased by more than 300%." How could the FDA remain silent on this evidence and approve blatant fraud?


Pfizer research shows that not vaccinating provides better protection.


Medical freedom rights lawyer Thomas Renz has exposed Pfizer's fraud. More than 36,000 people participated in Pfizer's study. People who were injected earlier in the study were more likely to later become infected, showing a clear tendency for immunity to disappear. Individuals placed in "high priority" groups who have been vaccinated previously, have a 36 percent greater chance of infection compared to the group that was vaccinated later.


It follows that what we know is supported by research.

By spring, it will become clear who really has immunity and who doesn't....






Updated: 1 October 2021 — 22:41

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