Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Unexpected deaths in Austria of young and middle-aged people.

A global genocide is underway.

The deaths of the two doctors who died at the Landesklinik Wiener Neustadt have caused a huge shock. Even some Austrian mainstream media were surprised by their deaths.


Recently, two doctors died in Autria: 46-year-old surgeon Dr. Stefan Halper and 52-year-old company physician Dr. Keyhana Hariri

Niestety fakt czy byli zadźgani jest owiany tajemnicą…

The hospital immediately after their death announced that they had no crown!

Another case: in Riede, Upper Austria, neighbors found a two-year-old girl who had been in an apartment with her dead 38-year-old mother for more than 24 hours. The young woman had died of a pulmonary embolism.

According to the initial study, this was due to thrombosis. Even manufacturers of corona vaccines have been known to warn of the possibility of thrombosis after vaccination.


A few days ago, the City Marathon Wien took place in Vienna.

Po przebiegnięciu dziesięciu kilometrów 40-letni maratończyk upadł znikąd na ziemię i zginął. Nieco później podano oficjalną przyczynę jego śmierci – rzekomą heart failure. Only athletes with negative test results were allowed to participate in the race. As many as 93 percent had already been vaccinated with two doses.


Pity the doctors who believed the system of the beast and not God.

Wiedza i pozycja oraz wiara autorytetom nadymają…

Z drugiej strony popatrzcie, lekarze częstokroć kojarzeni z korupcją i masonerią nie mają tej wiedzy co my. Oni po prostu popełniają błędy.  Kto jest masonem to jest, ale jak widać nie wszyscy i to jest przykre, że ci niebędący lucyferianami schodzą z tego świata i pozostaje pytanie kto po tych, którzy uwierzyli kłamstwu zostanie…

After all, not stabbed is 20-30% max.





Updated: 22 September 2021 — 22:46

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