Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Robert Bąkiewicz and National Media have received over 4.5 million in state grants.

Personally, I am not interested in the money of either Protestant churches - I have never written about that - or the private money of people who receive donations. Someone finds it right to support an idea. I'm not even interested in how Rydzyk draws from pensioners.

However, things are completely different when a seemingly patriotic organization gets money from the system....


From the beginning I did not trust R. Bąkiewicz Braun's colleague. In my opinion they are both right.....

I once mentioned this in a video....



"Organizations associated with Robert Bąkiewicz have received a total of over 4.5 million in state grants this year. This is PLN 3 million from the Institute for the Heritage of National Thought and nearly PLN 1.6 million from the National Liberty Institute. Both institutions were established through the personal efforts of Minister Piotr Gliński. They have at their disposal funds from which non-governmental organizations are subsidized."


Yes, the National Media are national because they defend the interests of the Khazar nation. Doesn't R. Bąkiewicz know history and doesn't know who governs us and who gives him money?


Is it possible to reconcile Roman Catholicism with patriotism? If there is dependence on the Vatican (a foreign country) then what kind of patriotism is it?



I don't know what it is about, I can only guess, but Poles have problems with reading reality.


Many times I explained why the so-called opposition sometimes tells the truth. Well, they (Khazaria) manage every sphere of life, every political movement.

Poles should take a closer look at this National Media....

I'm sure there are many people of good will out there, but unfortunately naive.


Personally, I have no need to do so because I know what is going on. But maybe someone else will draw a conclusion.

I have been saying for many years that Poland has been gone since at least 1945.



Updated: 21 September 2021 — 17:40


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  1. Because this is the truth that in Poland exists only theoretically, as one of the ż.d said! All organizations at the top have their own people, the Khazars. People are not interested in the truth or any kind of inquiry, let alone seeking the truth, what matters is here and now, a nice house, a vacation, etc ... It's hard to explain why our nation is so blind.
    Braun and Bąkiewicz can high-five each other regarding genes. Such an interesting fact, you know that the pesel numbers of Poles are in Israel, they know everything about us and we know nothing about them! I do not know what is the hierarchy among the Khazars, but I know that they certainly divide themselves regarding the purity of genes. For example, the richest Rothschild and Rockefeller breed within themselves to preserve their "purity" of bad genes. There are also those mixed, for example, with Slavs who are numerous in Poland. A pure Slav and a mixed one can be easily distinguished.

    1. Those at the top may be keeping their genes pure, but those at the bottom are how it flies

      1. Because at the bottom they usually do not know their origins. I used to play with family trees, but it is not at all reliable because over the centuries there were different situations, wars, rapes, betrayals. The best test is DNA, but there is a risk that this information can get into the wrong hands. For those who are curious, there is a code encrypted in the personal identification number of people who have special genes. It is 729 (7+2+9=18=6+6+6, that is 666) to decipher it you have to be very good at mathematics and know the numerology of the Kabbalah.

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