Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

More about the movie Abomination of Desolation.

Pewien mój brat poinformował mnie, że podczas tego filmu poczuł niepokój spowodowany przede wszystkim utożsamianiem znaku bestii ze szczepionkami. Przyjąłeś szczepionkę – straciłeś zbawienie.

So I feel obligated to explain why I posted this video.

Of course, I still disagree with the thesis that one who has taken the mRNA vaccine loses salvation, because first, the vaccine is only part of the mark of the beast, the process, and second, it was taken unknowingly, and third, the angel did not warn against taking the mark of the beast


Why did I post this video despite several points of disagreement?

Z tych samych powodów co wszystkie inne: zawierały ciekawe informacje, ale to nadal nagrywali ludzie omylni, tak jak ja nie jestem nieomylny. Jeśli chodzi o mnie, to tym się różnię od antysystemu – o czym pisałem – że nie mam żadnych sympatii politycznych ani religijnych. Jestem wolny jak elektron i kocham prawdę.

This is by the way. The movie Abomination of Desolation was posted for reference.


In conclusion, I still believe that the people who took the vaccine may yet be saved, although some process in their bodies has already begun, and the very fact that doses will be needed for hybridization shows that these people stabbed are not lost spiritually




Updated: 20 September 2021 — 21:02

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