Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

How do you get proof that your COVID-19 vaccination is not feasible?

I was sent such a print template to defend against being forced to vaccinate at work:


How do you get proof that your COVID-19 vaccination is not feasible?
If you don't want to get vaccinated against COVID-19 because you're afraid the vaccine might kill you, but you need to get vaccinated because, for example, your employer is threatening to fire you from your job if you don't get vaccinated, it's a good idea to get proof that your vaccination is not feasible, because no one will vaccinate you if you honestly admit that you're not getting vaccinated voluntarily, but under duress:
To get such proof, you need to write to the Ministry of Health:



email: [email protected]
email subject: request for information


Good morning.
I hereby request that you identify a COVID19 vaccination center where I can be vaccinated against COVID-19 truthfully declaring on the pre-screening questionnaire that I am not vaccinating voluntarily but under pressure and coercion because my employer is blackmailing me with dismissal from my job if I fail to vaccinate against COVID19 and I fear harassment from vaccinated persons and restrictions on free functioning for unvaccinated persons that the government is planning to introduce soon.
I do not want to be vaccinated against COVID19 because I am very afraid of post-vaccination complications and I am afraid of death as a result of vaccination because the risk of death after vaccination is currently still unknown as no one in Poland knows what death after vaccination is reported as NOP, but against my will I have to be vaccinated or else I will be fired from my job.
So I cannot make a false declaration of intent on the questionnaire that I am voluntarily getting vaccinated when I am doing so against my will and under pressure and coercion.
So at which immunization site will this forced vaccination be performed?
Thank you in advance for your help.



Read more about this topic HERE:





Updated: 15 September 2021 — 11:10

1 Comment

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  1. Not bad 😃😃😃😃😃

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