Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Boris Johnson na G7: “nowoczesna technologia posłuży jak zbawiciel i przemieni świat”. “nanotechnologia rewolucjonizuje medycynę”.


“Nie ma bowiem nic ukrytego, co by nie wyszło na jaw, ani nic tajemnego, co by się nie stało wiadome.” Łk 12.


Freemasonry makes no secret of its plans for a TV-dumbed-down humanity.

Oglądałem około 10 miesięcy  temu pewien film o stresie. Autor powiedział o ministrze Szumowskim “panie ministrze, jeśli pan pomyśli o czymś w dany sposób, to niech pan robi odwrotnie”.


This is how one would have to follow the stipulations of Freemasonry.

If at the G7 or the Economic Forum they tell us how to do things, let's do the opposite.


Boris pigeonholed people unwilling to participate in a medical experiment as anti-vaccine.

Not true. First of all, we are not anti-vaccine because it is not vaccines.

Secondly as for the congregation of Bible believers, we want to protect our Temple of the Holy Spirit.


16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17 Jeżeli ktoś zniszczy świątynię Boga, tego zniszczy Bóg. Świątynia Boga jest świętą, a wy nią jesteście.” 1 Kor


As this verse shows, not only are we the temple of the Spirit of God which brings with it our responsibility for that temple, but there is a promise of God that whoever destroys that temple God will destroy, and so it is certain that Boris Johnson will end up in the lake of fire along with his colleagues.




Updated: 13 June 2021 — 20:29

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