Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"On that day, everyone will put his trust in the One who created him, and his eyes will be fixed on the Holy One of Israel," Isaiah.

The origin of the word Israel is truly amazing. Of course the name was given to Jacob. We too will receive new names. They are probably already there and waiting for us. But in order to understand who we are in Christ we must first learn the etymology of the word Israel. This is very important.


” (24) And Jacob was left alone. And a certain man contended with him until the rising of the aurora. (25) And when he saw that he would not prevail against him, he struck him on the hip joint and dislocated Jacob's hip joint as he struggled against him. (26) And he said: Let me go, for the dawn has risen. But he answered, I will not let thee go, till thou bless me. (27) Then he said to him: What is thy name? And he answered, Jacob. (28) Then he said: You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have fought with God and with men and have overcome" Type 



Why was Jacob no longer to be called Jacob? Because he went through the fire of experience and stopped being a liar and manipulator.

In biblical folk etymology it also means deceiver ("one who deceives", from the word "aqab" - "deceived")


In light of this translation, it means that Jacob was told that from now on you will no longer be a liar, but you will be Israel, that is, fighting by my side.

Name ישׂראל iysra'el means to reign with God.

The present Israel does not reign with God. They are not guided by the Torah, but by the Talmud. It has a different father.


Jacob's lies caused conflict with God and with others. I think many of us could have been Jacob, and we became Israel when we admitted our weaknesses.

From now on, we can be fighters alongside God.


Israel is not one who lies, cheats, and robs people and nations, but one who fights alongside God for His cause and defends His holiness.

Isaiah prophesied inspired by the Holy Spirit (Spirit of separation) a complete surrender to God and abandonment of all idols:



On that day, each one will put his trust in the One who created him, and his eyes will be fixed on the Holy One of Israel; they will not set their hopes on the altars or on the works of their hands. on what their fingers have made, and their eyes will not be fixed on those of their abominations. Isaiah 17




This verse shows not only the departure from idolatry of statues and images, or from human idols (musicians, politicians...) but also the fact that God is the Holy One of Spiritual Israel.

He is not God's Remphan:


Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled. The mass of the Gentiles turned away from idolatry and turned their eyes to the Creator:


1 Peter 2: 9 - But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people in their own right, that you may proclaim the magnificence of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.


Israel, fighting alongside God, also means authority and power. The earthly usurper Israel does not have this power.


Matthew 18:18 - Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.


Ancient Israel was supposed to help YHWH reform the world, but he did not. He received a letter of divorce from God (Jeremiah 3.)

Therefore, God has implanted us in The converted remnant of Israel (apostles and repentant Hebrews)  That we fight at His side. They destroyed the works of the devil. They prayed (fought) for the salvation of others.


To whom did god give the power?


"Then he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits." MAR. 6,7″


To be in the Israel of God is to be separated from this world to fight against the kingdom of the Evil One and to take captives. To fight alongside God is not to fight alongside a religion or denomination.

God did not establish any religion. Not only that, but Jesus came to undermine the interpretation of the religion in which He was raised. He came to restore the Law of the Torah by giving power to the apostles (messengers)


what you resolve on earth will be resolved in heaven


This is why prayer is so important.



Updated: 13 May 2021 — 07:50

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