I am copying with the permission of the reader her certificate one might say of maturity....
"For my part, I'd like to confess that at one time I defended people from Protestant churches and I was a bit annoyed by your statements on youtube, that you criticized pastors and churches. I didn't understand that. I went to a Baptist church for about 2 months because I cared about having fellowship with believers even though I knew they didn't keep Saturday holy, ate unclean foods... However, as a newcomer I enjoyed the fellowship because we worshiped the Lord in word, prayer and song. Then came the fall lockdown and I stopped going. But at some point I found out that some members of the church are not against abortionists or promote leftist politicians like Trzaskowski or Hołownia... I asked God to show me if I should belong there (my daughters wanted to go there very much, they kept asking when we would go to church).
) and the Holy Spirit showed me step by step that this was not the right path. There was no separation from this world, Christmas trees, stars, Easter, belonging to a rock band is nothing bad....I thank the Lord God for directing me and showing me all this and I thank you for people like you who are vessels in the hands of the Lord. At the same time, I am saddened that there are people who continue to be stuck in these churches and are deceived into thinking that they are already saved by grace and are taking the wide road to perdition...."
If one loves the truth and knows, convinces himself what sanctification (separation) is, sooner or later he will come out of the Protestant churches.
Two masters cannot be served: The Vatican through the ecumenism of the Evangelical Alliance and Jesus Christ.
God wants exclusivity.
Once our Father showed me. All I had in my head was this word: Kadesh, Kadesh....
I began to explore the meaning of the word Kadesh.
“Kadesh or Qadesh (in classical Hebrew : קָדֵשׁ , from the root קדש "sacred")"
Holy, on the other hand, means separate. The Israelites when they were about to take possession of the Promised Land were on the border of that land, in the town of Kadesh ...
I would like to point out that below the border of Israel was Edom.
People now are not separated from the Edom and their culture and are surprised that things are bad.
"Holy be ye, for I am holy."
They talk a lot about bad habits, addictions which is important, but they don't talk at all about separation....D therefore most are stuck in ecumenical churches, but this is adultery.
It doesn't matter that the mountain is in ecumenism, the important thing is that we here live in harmony with God. It doesn't matter that the top, the bosses are in the mafia, the important thing is that we are not gangsters.
It doesn't matter that they urge vaccines. What matters is that this is our church.
It's nothing that they hold ecumenical alpha courses.
Sadly, though, it is adultery and the sin of idolatry;
This is my church.....
This is my building...
I won't leave him ....
Well, believers don't enter the Promised Land because the building is more important. They don't cross the border of what is holy and what is not holy. They stay in the safety zone just before the border in the land of Edom.
Praise God for the reader's testimony and Praise Jesus.
"Adulterers, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? So if anyone would intend to be a friend of the world, he becomes an enemy of God." James 4