Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Ecumenism and 666 among Adventists.

The Bible says the whole world is stuck in the Evil One, and it is. Including the denomination that considers itself to be keeping God's Law.


I have written more than once about Adventists bowing to Rome.

A new fact this time. Admittedly not so new, but still.


I received the following screen shot:


While I will not prove to unbelievers or fans of religion the three sixes in that logo to the left of "Lublin Towards Jerusalem," it is undeniable that AD7 pastor Andrzej Siciński de facto participated in a Christian-Jewish debate led by a KUL professor and attended by a Rabbi.

The very name of the site reveals their direction and adoration.

Now I understand more and more the record in Revelation concerning the 144,000:


It is those who he didn't mess with womeni:
Because they are virgins;
Those who accompany the Lamb wherever he goes;
those of the people have been redeemed
for the firstfruits to God and to the Lamb,
and no lie was found in their mouths:
are impeccable.


Even ecumenists would agree with the interpretation of woman as church.

The 144,000 are non-denominational, people who form home groups or online communities in Christ. People who refuse to compromise.

Those in love with Jesus who go where He goes. Jesus is not going the way of ecumenism and Babylon.

The 18th chapter of Revelation also points to the blessings of coming out of ecumenical Babylon:


(4) And I heard another voice, saying from heaven: Come out of him, my people, that ye be not partakers of his sins, and that ye receive not of his plagues. (5) For his sins have reached as far as heaven, and God has remembered his unrighteous deeds. Rev 18


I believe that participation in any denomination is an insult to the believer and an authorization of the evils of ecumenism from under the Vatican and the hexagram.

The choice is yours.





Updated: 24 March 2021 — 11:18

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