Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Response to Andrew Kwasniewski.

Today I was sent a video of Andrzej Kwasniewski in which I was called to the blackboard. In it he said that I and probably others like me make salvation dependent on not eating pigs which is an absolute lie.


Well I wrote my first comment at Andrew's:



Andrew felt that all his opponents were envious of his success.

No, as I mentioned in the comment there are channels, profiles that probably have many more likes/subscribers than Andrew and no one is attacking or envying them.

Criticism is not jealousy.

It's just that Andrew pigeonholed people as Judaists when, writing for myself, I personally have a disgust for that religion.

It was all about that Andrew meme:


No Description.


How can the keepers of God's Law be compared to the Pharisees when the sect of the Pharisees was founded 1000 years after Moses?


It is because of the attack on the Decalogue, not Andrew's success, that people relate to the shoegazing teacher that is Andrew.


Andrzej Kwasniewski also said that his opponents are jealous of the 30 thousand zloty he raised for Andrzej Cyrikas.

Also referenced:



I don't know about other Decalogue supporters, but I was offended by what the listeners themselves were doing with Andrew, namely, hiding the beneficiary of the drop.


In my opinion it was very unfair because many of my readers as I wrote in my comment would not have paid money to Andrew Cyrikas because they got to know him. Many were disappointed with this pastor cooperating with Bartłomiej Kurylas.



I'm writing this because I recommended Andrzej Kwasniewski's videos on my channel.

Now in the face of attacks on people who find the Decalogue important, I totally and definitely do not recommend watching his movies anymore.


I am responding here because Andrew has neither answered my phone nor responded to messages from me, and I have a right to address the allegations made against me, including the allegation of praying for him.





Updated: 8 February 2021 — 15:19

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